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cart rule combination added randomly


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I've a problem with cart rule combination. From now cr is for cart rule.
I have a shop with a lot of cart rules and I need to set cr with incompatibility with other cr.

So, i follow these steps:
1. create cart rules: for example three cr:
a. buy 3 pen i give you 10%;
b. buy 5 pen i give you a 15%;
c. buy 7 pen i give you 20%.
2. ok, now set the compatibility: a in incompatible with b and c; b with a and c; c with a and b.

What happen? With no reason the incompatibility section is filled with some old cr that i not choosen. So, what i do now, suppose to delete the extra cr not chosen, then save and remain, well the incompatibility section is filled again. And again the data are stored in cart_rule_combination table on db.

There's a solution for this?

PS v.

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  • 1 year later...

Same issue here, and the db table cart_rule_combination is filled with millions of rows...i have truncated the table a lot of times but keeps filling with no logic apparently. I have suspects of a bug with a happy birthday module that creates giift cards.

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