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Add a meta tag to your site's home page.

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To verify my site on google I need to add code like per sample below to my site's home page.

I have tried entering thru admin panel/SEO URLs tab then index page but this is not working.

Where do I find the file for the home page and what is it called?

Please assist



<meta name="google-site-verification" content="Fs-yhqdyhqhydhrhedhqwehdfrT-u0tDThFw" />
<title> My title </title>
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  • 4 years later...
On 7/20/2016 at 8:52 PM, vekia said:

header.tpl in your theme directory

I know this is old thread but I stumbled accross it by looking how to add the meta tag.

Your advice lead me in the right direction, just "header.tpl" is as the name says for the "header" the verifcation codes needs to go into the "head"-HTML-Tags.

header = The visible part of your Page where for example your top menu is located.

head = Invisible for users, you will find it by inspecting the page above the "body" tags, here are links to the stylesheet and meta data.


So if anybody need to add the Google Verifcation Code using the meta tag:

Go to head.tpl in your theme folder and add (replace "[Your Google Meta Tag Goes Here]" with your google meta tag string):


{block name='google_verification'}
[Your Google Meta Tag Goes Here]

If you have cache enable clear your cache to get the changes active. If this doesnt work you may need to re-compile your template.

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