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Weird Image Issue


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I have a weird image issue that has persisted through many versions.  It seems my image thumbnails for several products have been replaced by another. When I look at the products in the admin, they are correct but not on front end.  You can see an example here:



1. http://www.flyclothing.com/sunglasses/#/page-2

2. http://www.flyclothing.com/accessories/sunglasses/Neon-Shutter-Sunglasses.html


This image keeps showing up on several products and is incorrect.  I guess I could regenerate new images for home default and thickbox default but they seem to have no effect.  Any thoughts on correcting?  I also have a CDN but have cleaned it out several times.

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Here is the image of the product in the admin.  Will that suffice or do you need image links for reference?






Edited by flyclothing (see edit history)
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Thank you for the reply.  I wish that would fix it but it seems to be part of the home_default images not temp.  The correct image is showing in the admin but wrong on the front end. I tried regenerating product images for all of home_default but of course the server times out.  I wish you could specifically regenerate for certain products.

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I tried deleting temp images and regenerating both home_default and thickbox_default and now it seems many images are missing. I also purged the CDN cache. I get many errors when regenerating images, for example:


Original image is missing or empty (.../public_html/img/p/1/9/0/0/1900.jpg) for product ID 1363  but when I look in the admin, the images are all there.


Thanks again.

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I tried deleting temp images and regenerating both home_default and thickbox_default and now it seems many images are missing. I also purged the CDN cache. I get many errors when regenerating images, for example:


Original image is missing or empty (.../public_html/img/p/1/9/0/0/1900.jpg) for product ID 1363  but when I look in the admin, the images are all there.


Thanks again.

And if you look in the directory with Filezilla?


You have some kind of funny image program running that produces icons when you move the mouse over the image and that often doesn't finish ever. You might consider disabling this software. It could very well be the source of this trouble.

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I tried regenerating product images for all of home_default but of course the server times out.

First you must choose "delete former pics" (or what it is in english), after the timeout you must choose "not delete" and run the image generation until there's no more timeout.

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Thank you for the replies!  @musicmaster That icon was a lazy loader and the images werent loading because I regenerated the images but the CDN hadnt download them yet so I removed it for now.  They seem to be displaying fine now. 


I am still working on the other issue and regenerating images (and deleting old) didnt seem to solve it.  @rictools  I did do as you described and deleted both the home_default and thickbox_default images and regenerated images but those bracelets keep showing up. Ugh!

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I am still working on the other issue and regenerating images (and deleting old) didnt seem to solve it.  @rictools  I did do as you described and deleted both the home_default and thickbox_default images and regenerated images but those bracelets keep showing up. Ugh!

OK, my answer was only for generating the pictures. Now I looked at your site, the pictures are all the same, it is always the same picture, so it's not a problem with the pictures but with the generated html-img-tags (cache? htaccess?).

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Do you know the name of the module that shows pictures?  I've deleted and regenerated the htaccess file and still the same issue. I've got a bling bracelet virus. LOL

If you would deactivate all caching (my first advice in post 13) it's easier to recognize this (and possibly it will solve the problem), your theme is Warehouse and the modul could be jqzoom or easyzoom.

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I think you are right about the link to the images and found what seems to be the culprit.  All images that are incorrect include this in the url: 9244-thickbox_default.  It doesnt matter if I regenerate images or delete image in admin and replace it, this bracelet image continues to come back. I have to find what is generating the url for the images and remove/reset it.

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I just dont listen do I! LOL  I just tried that and doesnt seem to have an effect on that rogue image.  But that the same time, I have so many caching settings and modules I dont know what is doing what. I am sure there is some overlap in the store.  I regenerated just about every product image and no luck either.



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Just to be clear, you are referring to the performance/cache section of Prestashop?  If that is the case, then I have turned that off and remove the CDN address for now.  I still have a page/site cache using the Express Cache module.

When I click "Inspect" in my browser, I see that the css comes from




So I cannot answer your question what module is showing the pictures. I'm not a specialist for cache, there are some caching functions in prestashop and the first advice in problems like here is usually to deactivate all caching and clear / delete all caches.

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