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How I can show two prices of one product?


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I have two groups of the visitors - Clients and Partners.


For Partners group I set up Special Prices some like there: http://cdn.inmotionhosting.com/support/images/stories/edu/ps16/product-pricing/3-specific-price.png


How I can show to everyone seeing website two prices of the product - one for Clients and one for Partners (with small text below: Push this link to find out how to become a Partner")???



Edited by Antarr (see edit history)
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I have two groups of the visitors - Clients and Partners.


For Partners group I set up Special Prices some like there: http://cdn.inmotionhosting.com/support/images/stories/edu/ps16/product-pricing/3-specific-price.png


How I can show to everyone seeing website two prices of the product - one for Clients and one for Partners (with small text below: Push this link to find out how to become a Partner")???

Take a look here and here

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What I really don't like in Prestashop that I should have to edit some engine files to achieve my own small goals. It's not right! 


I have to do this every time a new version appear. And keep somewhere a big list of all these updates, modifications, appending the code/CSS and so on.




Take a look here and here


Unfortunately, it's not what I want.

Edited by Antarr (see edit history)
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  • 4 weeks later...

I have found that I could add line above 185 line of product.tpl like

<p id="specific-partner-price">{strip}<span class="price">Partner price: {convertPrice price=$product->specificPrice.price|floatval}</span>{/strip}</p>

But it only shows correct value if I already in the custom specific group seeing the page. Otherwise there's an error "Undefined index price in ...".


Also I don't know which product tpl's could be edited also.

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Are you planning to display the second price on all of your products?

What about the percentage, all your product's second price will have the same percentage?

If the answer on the both questions is yes then it's so simple.

Near the main price block you add a cloned block of it. Then you add subtract the comission and so the new price for the partners will show up.

I hope it makes sense to you.

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Are you planning to display the second price on all of your products?




What about the percentage, all your product's second price will have the same percentage?

No. It is not percentage or same amount of discount at all. It's specific price (which could be set in the submenu with the same title "Specific Price"). For custom clients group. On every product it is separate unique independent different price for each product.


I wrote, I found something, but it shows what exactly I need only to custom clients group. Not for everyone.

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