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[SOLVED] Displaying contact form page.


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Assuming you're using PrestaShop v1.6, have friendly URLs enabled and your website has only one language, you should be able to access the contact form using /contact-us


If you have multiple languages, then you'll need to add a language code like /en/contact-us

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I am using Leo Moonsun theme and as for now I don't have contact form page linked to from anywhere. I see that there is contact-form.tpl in my theme folder, but I don't know how to connect it with the current webpage. Can you help me with that?


  1. go to preferences > seo & urls http://i.imgur.com/ffaIxfN.png
  2. you will see there list of all pages in your shop
  3. you can find there "contact us" page: http://i.imgur.com/o6HJcBn.png
  4. click on it
  5. in "rewritten url" you will see the name of the last part of url: http://i.imgur.com/jbDlNvk.png
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