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Change invoice currencies

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Hello everybody


I have little problem with my invoices: my website main currencies is euro and I want to keep it, but my business address is in UK so I need to make invoice in pounds or at least with both currencies.


How can I do that?



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Hello everybody


I have little problem with my invoices: my website main currencies is euro and I want to keep it, but my business address is in UK so I need to make invoice in pounds or at least with both currencies.


How can I do that?



Take a look here: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/84971-solved-different-currency-in-front-office-and-back-office/

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My problem is that I have all product in backoffice in euro only, so in frontoffice is fine because prestashop convert the prices but in backoffice when I print my sales invoices all of them is in Euro and my company is UK based so I have to made that in pounds, is a legal requirement

Edited by emelectrol (see edit history)
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The problem is that the currency is stored with the order and order invoice, so you'll need to override it just for the invoice. Try creating override/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php with the following:


class HTMLTemplateInvoice extends HTMLTemplateInvoiceCore
    public function __construct(OrderInvoice $order_invoice, $smarty, $bulk_mode = false)
        parent::__construct($order_invoice, $smarty, $bulk_mode);
        $this->order_invoice->id_currency = 2;
        $this->order->id_currency = 2;   

Change 2 to the ID of your UK currency. Remember to go to Advanced Parameters > Performance and then click the "Clear cache" button (or manually delete cache/class_index.php) so PrestaShop can find the override.

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The problem is that the currency is stored with the order and order invoice, so you'll need to override it just for the invoice. Try creating override/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php with the following:


class HTMLTemplateInvoice extends HTMLTemplateInvoiceCore
    public function __construct(OrderInvoice $order_invoice, $smarty, $bulk_mode = false)
        parent::__construct($order_invoice, $smarty, $bulk_mode);
        $this->order_invoice->id_currency = 2;
        $this->order->id_currency = 2;   

Change 2 to the ID of your UK currency. Remember to go to Advanced Parameters > Performance and then click the "Clear cache" button (or manually delete cache/class_index.php) so PrestaShop can find the override.


Thank you for your help, but this just change the symbol.

For example: € 30.00 in the invoice will be £ 30.00

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It's tricky, but try:


class HTMLTemplateInvoice extends HTMLTemplateInvoiceCore
    public function __construct(OrderInvoice $order_invoice, $smarty, $bulk_mode = false)
        parent::__construct($order_invoice, $smarty, $bulk_mode);

        if ($this->order->id_currency != 2) {
            $old_currency = Currency::getCurrency((int)$this->order->id_currency);
            $new_currency = Currency::getCurrency(2);
            $conversion_rate = (float)$new_currency['conversion_rate'] / (float)$old_currency['conversion_rate'];
            $this->order_invoice->id_currency = (int)$new_currency['id_currency'];
            $this->order->id_currency = (int)$new_currency['id_currency'];

            $this->order->conversion_rate = $conversion_rate;

Then override all the invoice TPL files and add *$order->conversion_rate after every price. For example, copy pdf/invoice.payment-tab.tpl if necessary, then change line 33 of themes/<your_theme>/pdf/invoice.payment-tab.tpl from:

						<td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount}</td>


						<td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount*$order->conversion_rate}</td>

Unfortunately, there's a lot to TPL files to override and change, but multiplying all prices by the conversion rate should work.

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Thank you for your help


In order I have made changes at this 3 files:






situated in pdf folder.

I had *$order->conversion_rate in some lines


also I had override/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php


and then cleared the cache


it works!


thanks again for your help

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  • 3 weeks later...


I not sure that I fully understand. Can't you just remove the *$order->conversion_rate from that variable only in the invoice code?



I have the backup of every files, but if I replace it I'm at the starting point again.


With your method we are telling prestashop to multiplicate the price value for the eur/gpb exchange rate (that is 0.837600 at the moment).


The problem is that also the payement that I receive in pounds now are multiplicated, so I get wrong value.


Is there a way for tell prestashop to multiplicate only the eur value for the exchange rate?

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Do you mean pdf/invoice-payment-tab.tpl? If you want that amount displayed differently, you'll need to modify line 33:
						<td class="right small">{displayPrice currency=$payment->id_currency price=$payment->amount}</td>

Since it's already using the payment currency and amount, not the order currency, no conversion is needed, so remove any *$order->conversion_rate you have there.

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Thank you for your help


In order I have made changes at this 3 files:






situated in pdf folder.

I had *$order->conversion_rate in some lines


also I had override/classes/pdf/HTMLTemplateInvoice.php


and then cleared the cache


it works!


thanks again for your help


This is the files that I have modified previously, so I don't have changed nothing in pdf/invoice-payment-tab.tpl

Edited by emelectrol (see edit history)
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So it's working when the currencies are different, but not when the currencies are the same? In that case, try:


class HTMLTemplateInvoice extends HTMLTemplateInvoiceCore
    public function __construct(OrderInvoice $order_invoice, $smarty, $bulk_mode = false)
        parent::__construct($order_invoice, $smarty, $bulk_mode);

        if ($this->order->id_currency != 2) {
            $old_currency = Currency::getCurrency((int)$this->order->id_currency);
            $new_currency = Currency::getCurrency(2);
            $conversion_rate = (float)$new_currency['conversion_rate'] / (float)$old_currency['conversion_rate'];
            $this->order_invoice->id_currency = (int)$new_currency['id_currency'];
            $this->order->id_currency = (int)$new_currency['id_currency'];

            $this->order->conversion_rate = $conversion_rate;
        } else {
            $this->order->conversion_rate = 1;

This should set the conversion rate to 1 if the order currency has an ID of 2, which should hopefully make no change to the prices.

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  • 3 months later...



Great topic!

I need exactly the same, but just the other way around.


Just one question:


On the backend I want the invoices to always be generated in EUR, however customers in UK should be able to get their invoice in GPB. Is that still possible with this modification?



Thanks in advance.

Edited by ptemmerman (see edit history)
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  • 2 months later...

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