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Get the category ID in product.tpl

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I need to display a different stock message on the product page when a product from a certain category has been sold.


So I would like to do something like this


{if defaultCategoryID == 8} {l s='Sold'} {else} {l s='Currently out of stock'}{/if}


I don't think you can grab the default category from an already established smarty variable in Product.tpl correct me if I am wrong, I think I may have to override/extend the ProductCore class. If so how would be the best way to achieve this or is there a better way?


I'm using PrestaShop

Edited by Chillax86 (see edit history)
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Unfortunately, there's no easy way to see all the Smarty variables on a page. You can find the PHP file that calls the TPL file to see what variables are assigned there. You can also read through the init function in classes/controller/FrontController.php to see what Smarty variables are assigned on all pages.

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