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Changing field to 'required' in registration form


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by editing classes/Address.php i managed to change two of registration fields to required.

It's okay, they are required now but people who are filling the form don't see it, because is not shown next to the field. Only the error shows when they click 'register' after not filling this fields.

How can I add those mandatory stars next to fields' names?


And the second thing is that I don't like the names of fields in the error box:


As you can see, there's e.g. "passwd" and "nr_vat". How can I change those to full names?


Thanks for help.

Edited by tumil (see edit history)
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Field names are set in theme's translation and they're okay but error message doesn't show field name but these names.

For example:

In translation "Password" is "Hasło" but error shows: passwd

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For the first issue, you'll need to edit address.tpl, find the <label> for the optional fields that are now required, then add <sup>*</sup> before the </label>.


For the second issue, changing the "Field name translations" should have worked. Make sure you'd selected the right language. You can double-check whether they've saved correctly in translations/<lang_iso>/fields.php.

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