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how to open a render view in a popup

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In my own BO module which is done to register some automatic answers (for the SAV) in the database.

In my helper list I have 3 actions: edit, delete and view.


in my admin Controller :

  public function renderList()
		return parent::renderList();

All is fine: I see my 3 actions buttons for each line.


  public function renderView()
		$reponseauto = $this->loadObject(true);
		$id_lang = Context::getContext()->language->id;
		$tpl = $this->context->smarty->createTemplate(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../views/templates/admin/view/view.tpl');
		return $tpl->fetch();

Then the content of my automatic response is displayed but in the main page, instead of the list.

My goal is to open this view in a popup as I can see everywhere in the BO for customers, addresses etc...

Do you have an idea to help me ?

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