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[SOLVED] how can I add my self language strings in my module

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for example,if I want to add a string reads "show module/hide module" in the front office,but I don't know where can I translate this in to french, chinese or the other,I know there are files cn.php fr.php in the my module directory, when I read other files (ie:en.php cn.php fr.php) in other module directories

I see


global $_MODULE;
$_MODULE = array();
$_MODULE['<{coremanager}prestashop>coremanager.filtersearch.lang_e77fef0167598bb39846637ac3915f4e'] = 'Effacez Tous';
$_MODULE['<{coremanager}prestashop>coremanager.filtersearch.lang_d8c170dfe1753654402ffecc258f130d'] = 'Gamme de prix';
$_MODULE['<{coremanager}prestashop>coremanager.filtersearch.lang_2377be3c2ad9b435ba277a73f0f1ca76'] = 'Fabricants';
$_MODULE['<{coremanager}prestashop>coremanager.filtersearch.lang_275f2fb697ac3ddd8ba75844971d3f1c'] = 'Voir moins';

so I'm confused what this long strings mean and how can I creat my own,I have searched the forum,and found a thread here http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/36857/translation_packs/translate_module_related_strings_front_and_back_office/

but I still can't find a solution,I need your help,thank you.

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you put your string in your tpl files like this {l s="my text" mod="my mod"} and you can see this text in translation service in your backoffice.

If you want to trnslate in other langage you can activate this in your backoffice to manage translations.

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