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Product lists alphabetically in orders


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I need to display the order detail by product name, in an alphabetically order.

I try to modify line 429 of /classes/ordrer/OrederDetail.php file as :

return Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT * FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_detail` WHERE `id_order` = '.(int)$id_order.' ORDER BY product_name ASC');

But products don't display in alphabetically order.

Where do I need to change / add code?


Many thanks in advance and best regards.


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The product list in back office order details page seems from $order->getProducts();

And then it is sorted by ksort($products)


So you may need to look into above related methods if you want to make changes.


Thank you for that track.

Unfortunately, it does not change. I modified several ksort settings and I commented the line, but after clearing the cache I don't see any change in the products' list of an order :(



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