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[SOLVED] Productcomments "quality" translations

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I managed to translate every single one of this module's fragments but not this one. Here's the screenshot:




Where can I find a file where I could do that? There's no such field in Translations in back office.


Thanks for help


Edited by tumil (see edit history)
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Go to Modules > Product comments > Configure, scroll down to the "Review criteria" section and then click the "Edit" button for the "Quality" criterion. You can then click the language dropdown next to the "Criterion name" text field to enter translations for all languages.

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It seems you've found a bug in the product comments module. I see no way to translate that string. You'll need to modify themes/<your_theme>/modules/productcomments/productcomments.tpl and add the following to the bottom of the file:

<script type="text/javascript">
$('input.star').rating({ cancel: '{l s='Cancel Rating' mod='productcomments' js=1}' });

You'll then be able to translate the string by going to Localization > Translations, selecting "Installed module translations", your theme and the language you want to translate, then scroll down to the <your_theme> - productcomments section. You should then see "Cancel Rating" at the bottom of that section. Enter a translation and then click the "Save" button.

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