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No link for virtual product in order history for guest


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If I make order as registered client and after that I open order history, pictogram for downloading of virtual product nad name of virtual product is displayed as link for download of virtual product file.

But If I create order as Guest, than pictogram is not displayed and name of virtual product is displayed only as simple text, but no as hyperlink.


Any Idea?


Thanks a lot

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not sure what you mean by "pictogram".

make sure the order status has been changed to "Payment Accepted" so that the product download link is sent and generated correctly.

also make sure the email templates is correctly for all languages.

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You do not understand my question. Email is Ok for client and for guest too. Problem is only in order presta shop front end screen. When I open order detail front end screen for registered client, there is picture and name of product as hyperlinks for download of virtual product file. But when I open order detail for guest, picture is not displaied and name of product is displaied as simple text only. So it means, that guest can download virtual product File only through hyperlinks in email but not through hyperlinks in front end order detail screen. Is it erorr or is it standard behavior of PrestaShop?

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I mean that there is one another reason. But I do not know it.

I nead the same behavior for client and for guest in order history web page. 


At the best I need special, separate php file, where name of pruduct will be displayed as hyberlink for download of virtual product. I mean the same functionality as in order history for registered client, but in special, separate file.


Is anyone possible to create such php script, using functions from /classes/ProductDownload.php ? I mean something like display_link_to_virtual_product.php?order_id=XYZTUPSUK

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I think you can use existing download link, it should be working.

what you need to do to try to make the link appears on the order tracking page. did not have time to look into further, but there should be a way to make the link appear on that page.

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  • 6 months later...

I have the same problem.

It is something that I did wrong (which I dont believe) or something that is missing from Prestashop. I think this should've been fixed by now ...downloadable products are everywhere.

 Also, is there a module that we can use for virtual products instead?

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The download link appearance is based on following conditions in order history page 


{if $product.download_hash && $logable && $product.display_filename != '' && $product.product_quantity_refunded == 0 && $product.product_quantity_return == 0}



If it does not show up, I guess something went wrong with download related data setting or the data download_hash  in order details was missing
Check if you installed any 3rd party modules that may affect this.
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  • 2 months later...

Have been over 3 month since I first encounter this problem (no link in the body of email sent to customers for downloading the virtual problem they purchased) and i couldnt find a fix. I checked with my server and they directed me to the prestashop for a solution. Is it because prestashop wants to sell the virtual product module instead? forcing customers that have used the free theme to pay for virtual product module? just wonder.

Here is how the email sent to customers looks like (part of it):



Thank you for your order with the reference (XXXXXX - i just changed the ref#) from
You have {nbproducts} product(s) now available for download using the
following link(s):
 You can review your order and download your invoice from the
"Order history" 
and the next link is for the order history which is ok
also ok and ready for download is the invoice, as a pdf, which works great.
Please help with this issue. 
Edited by paperM (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

I just want to post an update to this topic:

I found the solution to the "no link" problem. I don't know if this will work for others but it worked for me. 

I went to Advanced Parameters - E-mails and set Send Emails to Both (there are three options: HTML, text, or both. I had it on text). And Save. 

Now, the virtual product link shows in email and downloads the attached file when clicked.

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