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Some Subcategories Not Displaying

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Hey Everyone,


Have a question that has been driving me crazy, any help would be greatly appreciated!


On the horizontal menu bar of this shop: test.motozaperformance.com

Only SOME of the subcategories are displaying. This is the same for my AJAX drop down module. I have gone to the theme configurator and the "subcategories displayed" is enabled. What's strange is that it shows some of the subcategories but not all of them. This is also not a depth issue because it displays depth within one category but none within others. 


Here's an example (It's a car website, so categories are: make-->model-->engine type)

You CAN see: Software-->Audi-->A4

But you CANNOT see: Software-->Audi-->TT


Both of those subcategories have products within them and are not empty. 


Any help would be fantastic.


Thanks guys!


Edited by Motoza (see edit history)
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