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Customers VAT Number on invoice wont work


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Hi all, i have a strange problem.


For b2b sales in the EU i need to add the customers VAT number on the invoices.

I already selected in Localisation --> Countries --> Adress the vat_number.


Now the strange thing: On the delivery slip the VAT number is there, but on the invoice it isnt...


I have a third party theme installed and checked the following maps: Public/PDF, Override/Classes/PDF and MyTheme/PDF

But i cant find anything strange... ( but im no programmer :) )


Does anyone have any idea to solve this problem?


Best regards,



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Check whether there are TPL files in the themes/<your_theme>/pdf. If there is, you can compare the invoice and delivery-slip TPL files to see what's missing. If there's no files in that directory, then the files will be in the pdf directory in the root of your website.

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  • 3 months later...

Just to make it complete: I needed VAT number on every invoice pdf, as long as existing. So I added right after {$invoice_address} in the invoice template:

{if !empty($addresses.invoice->vat_number)}<br>UID: {$addresses.invoice->vat_number}{/if}



So it only shows when customers have entered their VAT

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