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Translations Back Office


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I have my Prestashop working for some time in Spanish ago, it was originally installed in the Spanish language.

Since update to version, menus, text, labels, etc. section (orders) in the Back Office, appear in English ... only this the rest of this section is all in Spanish prestashop


I have reviewed the translations in Location> Translations and they are all correct in Spanish


The only way I could do to put it in Spanish is to change one by one the fields in the file .tpl admin / themes / default / template / helpers / view / view.tpl, but this is not the solution, because when he has an update will return all English.


Anyone know how to fix it, or where is the command that gets the corresponding file translations


Deputy capture orders backoffice

Thank you




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If this I have done and still not working
I have reviewed the translations in Locaización> Translations> Translations Administration panel> (Language Spanish)> AdminOrders ... and everything is OK translated full
I reviewed also /traslations/es/admin.php and translated everything is fine, because originally already prestashop was installed in the Spanish language, plus I have not installed on Locaizacion> Languages, the English language.

Thanks for your help

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