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Invoice number different of order number

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Hi All,


As I say in my title, the N° of invoice is different of N° of order.

That means in the table ps_order_invoice the field "number" content is not the same of "id_order" filed.


Of course I can create a request update to correct that but it's not the solution.

Which php file I can modify ? I would like the system enters the data number = id_order on the insert request step (when the order is paid and invoice generated) 


I saw a solution which consists to modify the invoice template, but I'm not sure it's fine.

Could you help me ?

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If you want the id_order to appear on your invoice you should change the order reference.

It is quite normal that after a while the id_order doesn't match the id_order_invoice, because with every cancelled order just the order number increases, whereas the id_order_invoice would only be increased by generating an invoice.

This is just a question of practical logic.

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Yes, true.

But if the order is N° 11835 and the invoice PDF shows invoice 11842 then the customer is lost.


I found this solution in the classes/pdfHTMLTemplateInvoice.php in the construct :


$this->title = (int)$this->order_invoice->id_order;


instead of :


$this->title = $order_invoice->getInvoiceNumberFormatted($id_lang);


Thanks for your help.

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