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Problem with Carrier and product

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Hi, I have a problem: I have a product that you buy it appears a value of unknown carrier that I have not assigned in the range of weights . for example, the product costs 21,000 CLP and is supposed by weight ( 200 g ) the value of the carrier would be 3,407 CLP , however I get a value of 155,643 CLP ,value that was not assigned to the carrier.   I checked the weight and this ok and ranges carrier too , also i was testing creating a test product and is working ok . but that product just does not work. what would be the error?.

Hi, I have a problem: I have a product that you buy it appears a value of unknown carrier that I have not assigned in the range of weights . for example, the product costs 21,000 CLP and is supposed by weight ( 200 g ) the value of the carrier would be 3,407 CLP , however I get a value of 155,643 CLP have no value assigned to the carrier.   I checked the weight and this ok and ranges carrier also , I also testing creating a test product and is working ok . but that product just does not work. that this error is due ?.

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