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Return of products

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Hi All,


i'm trying to refund an order (customer has returned his parcel). So I red the doc carefully and :


- The returns are authorized

- The state of the order is "shipped"


I clik on "return products" or "partial refunds" but nothing happens ! I see that a new column must appears on the right of the product list ...but no column for me ! No change after clicking on "refund buttons"...


The link is like 



But the anchor "refundForm" does not add anything.to process the return.



Can you help ?


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Many thanks for your help. I activated the debug mode and refresh the order page.

Many errors, but all concern cache smarty. So I empty the cache, but errors remain :



Notice à la ligne 281 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php

[8] Undefined index: HOOK_TAB_ORDER
Notice à la ligne 281 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Trying to get property of non-object
Notice à la ligne 302 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Undefined index: HOOK_CONTENT_ORDER
Notice à la ligne 302 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Trying to get property of non-object
Notice à la ligne 435 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Undefined index: HOOK_TAB_SHIP
Notice à la ligne 435 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Trying to get property of non-object
Notice à la ligne 456 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Undefined index: HOOK_CONTENT_SHIP
Notice à la ligne 456 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Trying to get property of non-object
Notice à la ligne 2649 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Undefined index: customized_product_quantity
Notice à la ligne 2712 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Undefined index: customized_product_quantity
Notice à la ligne 2712 du fichier /cache/smarty/compile/39/ba/f5/39baf56120d68097bb8ef6a7f7899aa9c3a29e10.file.view.tpl.php
[8] Undefined index: customized_product_quantity

What do you think about ?

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