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issue with theme configurator, can no longer edit items

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Hi, I just tried to use the theme configurator to change an image on my index page. but the new image will not show up at all. All I get now is the "image not found" image, the question mark. I have cleared the cache on both the backend and on my browser, but no luck.


The image not found shows up in both the back and the front office. Also when I try to change a desctiption using theme configurator, it will not change.


If I look in the database in the ps_themeconfigurator table, I see the entry, and the image name, so if I then append the image name to the path in a new browser window, the image does show up.


Anyone know what is going wrong here??





(ps, default theme)



update: even if I try to modify the title of another item for example, I am not allowed to do so, there are no changes made.

update 2: after changing for example a title, the field in the database DOES change, but the change is not displayed in the back office or the front office


update 3: Panic is over, it was a caching issue after all. I had cleared the cache several times, but now I switched off all caching and forced recompile on. Images and changes are showing as they should!

Edited by David S Johnston (see edit history)
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