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"Root category must be an integer value"

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J'ai exactement le même problème.

Il survient suite à un import catégories/produits d'une install vers une install vierge.

J'exporte les tables:

ps_attribute  à  ps_attribute_shop

ps_category  à  ps_catégory_shop

ps_product  à  ps_product_tag

et suite à l'import sur mon install vierge je n'ai pas accès aux produits.

Il y a plantage et j'obtiens le message suivant: "Root category must be an integer value" (comme sur le post ci-dessus).


J'ai tenté de chercher au niveau de la numérotation des catégories, mais je ne trouve pas la solution.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

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  • 1 month later...

I too have the same error, bur with me happen while i select one shop specifically, while i select all shops, works normaly, and i have access products, but while i select one shop, return the same error. someone can help in a solution for this, i really not have much experience with prestashop.


thanks so much for ideas and suggestions

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I too have the same error, bur with me happen while i select one shop specifically, while i select all shops, works normaly, and i have access products, but while i select one shop, return the same error. someone can help in a solution for this, i really not have much experience with prestashop.


thanks so much for ideas and suggestions

Probably some database inconsistencies between ps_shop.id_category, the category tree it-self, and/or some weird entries within ps_configuration for entry such as:


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