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PrestaShop front office only shows a blank screen

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I am working with PrestaShop


I wanted to change the default size of products views. To get that, I went to Preferences>Images, and then changed the configuration of small_default by entering 200 px on the vertical parameter.


The result has been that I can not see any more the front office. I still can access the backoffice, and everything is still there.


I would very much appreciate any help you can provide.



Thank you in advance.

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 I Have activated the debug mode and found that the problem is generated by the module CMS BLOCK.


If it is desactivated the front office works perfectly, however if it is activated  all what you see is a blank page.


The error shown is:


blockcms.tpl" on line 129 "{l s='[1] %3$s %2$s - Servicios de Ecommerce de UBICUIT %1$s [/1]' ' mod='blockcms' sprintf=['UBICUIT', 'Y'|date, '©'] tags=['<a class=_blank" href="http://www.ubicuit.com">] nocache}" too many shorthand attributes.


The problem now, is that I can not use the CMS block.

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I am puzzled by this report. 


Changing the size of an image might make a mess of your pages, but it is not supposed to cause any programming errors.


On the other hand the "too many shorthand attributes" error tends to be caused by typing errors in a template. 


So my question is: are you really really sure that you did not make any changes in any template?

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Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$smarty in /home1/sworld/public_html/wholesalestationery.in/classes/module/Module.php on line 2330

Fatal error: Call to a member function createTemplate() on a non-object in /home1/sworld/public_html/wholesalestationery.in/classes/module/Module.php on line 2330

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