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Products still showing in CSV export long after deletion


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Guys  when I export my my full catalogue to CSV  im still getting old historic products that have been long since deleted

Its just a niggle  I can obviously manually pick them from the CSV file  but its a niggle thats driving me insane.


Im not not SQL expert in fact far from it, it scares me,  but is there anything I can do to remove those redundant entries without removing my site from existence (im good at that)   :)



Edited by puffdade (see edit history)
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>Guys  when I export my my full catalogue to CSV  im still getting old historic products that have been long since deleted

Are you sure the products are really deleted, not just disabled?

If you will never use the products any more, you can delete the products from your store (It will delete from database). 
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I have deleted them some were deleted as long as 2 months ago  yet when i do a full product export to CSV  they still show in the CSV  file  so the database would appear to be holding onto those products for some reason.


I have tried searching  using the search bar front end and from our POS module  and they are non existant , I have done all the normal clear cache etc  but to no avail

Im now wondering if there is a safe tool for cleaning the database to remove the redundant entries.

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How do you deleted the file products? If you delete from back office admin pages, I think it should be deleted clean.

If you  delete from database directly using SQL statement, I guess you did not delete it from all tables, because product info are saved in multiple tables.

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