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PrestaShop won't show Order Buttons or Prices on product pages (cart not functional)

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Hi, and thank you in advance for providing any feedback on this.


I have the following issue with my PrestaShop:


On the product pages (and listing pages), it WON’T show price or order button / shop/cart is not functional (can’t order).


Here's an example product page:


MALE T-SHIRT: Caragiale


I have disabled demo mode, turned off demo data and opened the shop, but still this happens. I don’t know whether there’s a bug / fix needed or just an option I don’t know how to set up (I’m a prestashop newbie).


I have also tried re-installing the Shopping Cart plugin.


What further actions can I take to resolve this?


Thank you!



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This problem appears when:


1) your shop is deactivated

2) bad configuration of stock managment.


For 1) Go to tab "preferences" -> products, check if you didn't set your shop to catalog mode. So setting correct for to release selling is: catalog mode  = NO (catalog mode is not the same as demo mode). For me seems to be this wrong setting your problem, cause all your products are not available for order.


For 2) you should check the settings you made on tab: preferences -> products -> product stock -> Allow ordering of out of stock products  = YES, if it is set to NO and the product has no stocko = 0, than you too cannot order the product ;)


After setting changes:

Clear browser cache (F5 on you keyboard) and also smarty cache: tab advanced parameters -> performance -> on right top, the button "clear cache"

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