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MAMP - php.ini max_input_vars value changed but still getting error in Prestashop

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Hi everyone, 

I'm developing an e-commerce in two languages (ita / eng) using the default Prestashop theme; I installed it on local server (MAMP). I'm running the version of Prestashop. 

As I try to make some translations, I got the error: "Warning, your PHP configuration limits the maximum number of fields to post in a form: 1000 for max_input_vars. Please ask your hosting provider to increase the this limit to 1138 at least or edit the translation file manually."

I increased accordingly the .php.ini file in the local file of php version in use (5.6.2); as default, I've just found a value of 3000, DIFFERENTLY of the value in the warning; anyway, I changed it into 10000 all the values at 3000

php_value max_input_vars 10000
php_value suhosin.get.max_vars 10000
php_value suhosin.post.max_vars 10000

php_value suhosin.request.max_vars 10000


After I rebooted Mamp, and cleaned Prestashop cache from the BO, but all remained UNCHANGED, still getting the same error. 

Can you please help me..? 


Thank you 




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Hi, i do not have experience running prestashop on local server but tried this on online server and it did not work, i then contacted my service provider and they changed them somehow. The point of my post is to look at phpinfo.php and make sure the change is visible there.

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phpinfo.php is not a native file. You have to add one:


Create a file called info.php and add the following.

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

For the configuration of mamp, you should localize php.ini


find 'memory_limit' and increase the number:

memory_limit = [number]M
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Another possibility for to increase the value, cause it is only for local purposes, is to add to your /admin folder of the shop a php.ini file with this content:

suhosin.request.max_vars 10000
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