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[SOLVED] Add line breaks within Features


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I have products where the Features have several options depending on the Attributes selected. Currently the format I can get is everything in a single line, but that is hard for the user to decipher. 




Length:                      5 inches (127mm) 8 inches (203mm) 10 inches (224mm)

Material:                     Nylon (NY) Polypropylene (PP)

Resistance:                 NY: 46lbf (21kgf) PP: 40lbf (18kbf)

Package Dimensions: 5IN: 275mm x 225mm x 155mm 8IN: 350mm x 225mm x 185mm 10IN: 385mm x 210mm x 215mm

Weight:                       5IN: 4.85lbs (2.20kg) 8IN: 5.90lbs (2.68kg) 10IN: 5.90lbs (2.68kg)


I wanted to add line breaks within each Feature to make it easy to identify the different options of each Feature.


Features descriptions should look as follows:


Length:                      5 inches (127mm)

                                  8 inches (203mm)

                                  10 inches (224mm)

Material:                     Nylon (NY)

                                   Polypropylene (PP)

Resistance:                 NY: 46lbf (21kgf)

                                   PP: 40lbf (18kbf)

Package Dimensions: 5IN: 275mm x 225mm x 155mm

                                   8IN: 350mm x 225mm x 185mm

                                   10IN: 385mm x 210mm x 215mm

Weight:                       5IN: 4.85lbs (2.20kg)

                                   8IN: 5.90lbs (2.68kg)

                                   10IN: 5.90lbs (2.68kg)


Is there anyway I can do this?


Edited by FordMT (see edit history)
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You can use an override to enable multiple features to products(this way you can set from backoffice multiple values for every feature), and then modify the product.tpl , to put breaks after each filter value if more than one feature is present for each feature group.

Regards, Leo

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I have tried entering html command <br> within the values of the Feature module.  But the module does not accept entering the < or > symbols.  And I do not know how to get into a html editor for the features module.

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Here's a simple hack for multi-line feature values. Change line 477 (in PrestaShop v1.6.1.5) of themes/default-bootstrap/product.tpl from:



						<td>{$feature.value|escape:'html':'UTF-8'|replace:'|':'<br />'}</td>

You can then enter a feature value like 100|200 and it will display 100 and 200 on separate lines.

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