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new database & passwords lost

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I had to reinstall a store database so I thought I could just save the original database and then copy the table information back into the new database using phpmyadmin.

This worked fine until I tried as an employee to login to the store admin and also to login to the FO as a customer. I had to retrieve new passwords, login, and then change the passwords back.

Is there a way to copy the old secure password into the table and be able to login afterwards?

It might really be messy if you had to reinstall a database with 1000 customers listed for some reason and then had 1000 customers having to retrieve their passwords because the old ones would have quit working.

Does anyone know if old customer and employee data can be added back into a database table using phpmyadmin and sql query?


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The password encryption in Prestashop uses the "_COOKIE_KEY_" value, if you want the passwords to work when you copy the database, you need to also copy that key, it is store in a file in /config/settings.inc.php

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