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Failed order in Live shop

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I have aproblem with a live order that has gone wrong and I can't figure out where to start to look to see where the problem is, the customer is saying that she tried to place an order 4 times! but it came up as not the correct billing address and had not gone through. However checking her bank statement it says it has gone through and charged on her card 4 times at 4.65 each time. When I check my end with Nochex no payment has gone through, her cart is there but there seems to be no billing address entered for her, so either she didn't enter an address or it hasn't logged it, she also isn't showing up as a registered customers in the customers screen. So I'm confused, is there a log that I can check that will show whats happened.

Many thanks

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Ok from my error logs these are the only two entries for yesterday

[sat May 01 04:31:13 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/xxxxx/public_html/img/p/4569-5148-thickbox.jpg
[sat May 01 02:51:57 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/xxxxx/public_html/favicon.ico

She is regsitered as a customer (I read that wrong) and on her screen it has Orders (1) but there are no orders just an empty cart for her these are the entries for her

2010-05-01 01:21:15 9 (pages) Direct link
2010-05-01 00:30:24 19 secure.nochex.com
2010-04-30 23:05:02 20 Direct link

I had a response from her just now to say she had registered an address but removed it when she realised there was a problem with payment etc.
I checked with Nochex, no money has been taken as far as they can see, but she recons her statement says 4 payments were taken. Just to say I have had two orders previously come through without a problem.

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