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ajax add to cart in module

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I'm trying to use the ajax add to cart function to add a Add to Cart button in my module.


I've used the same code from homefeatured.tpl and it generates the correct url:




But this doesn't do anything.


Do I need to include the ajax js somehow in my module?


blockcart is in the header and I can see the js included in the page's header:


<script type="text/javascript" src="/modules/blockcart/ajax-cart.js"></script>


Anyone have any ideas? Or ideas how I can debug?

<a class="exclusive ajax_add_to_cart_button" rel="ajax_id_product_{$banditQuotes[nr].quote_product_link}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart')}?qty=1&id_product={$banditQuotes[nr].quote_product_link}&token={$static_token}&add" title="{l s='Add to cart' mod='banditquote'}">{l s='Add to cart' mod='banditquote'}</a>


Edited by banditbirds (see edit history)
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Depending on your theme, it might not be using the rel attribute. Prestashop's default one is not anymore actually, it's using data-id-product.
Add this class to the button


See if that plus the data one do it. If not, create a custom js that triggers on your class, and then use ajaxCart.add() (see that ajax-cart.js file for the exact parameters)

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Thanks for the advice.


I assume you mean 'data_id_product' ? not 'data-id-product'?


I've tried the following class and rel that you suggested:

<a class="ajax_add_to_cart_button" rel="data_id_product_{$banditQuotes[nr].quote_product_link}"

The reason i took 'exclusive ajax_add_to_cart_button' from homefeatured.tpl is because of the css which draws the button. Without the 'exclusive' I'll have to create some more css.



The above didn't work either, so i'll try and work out how to write the js.

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  On 6/6/2016 at 9:23 AM, Nemo1 said:

Depending on your theme, it might not be using the rel attribute. Prestashop's default one is not anymore actually, it's using data-id-product.

Add this class to the button




See if that plus the data one do it. If not, create a custom js that triggers on your class, and then use ajaxCart.add() (see that ajax-cart.js file for the exact parameters)


I hope I haven't misunderstood..


I've created a function in the page (based on ajax-cart.js):

function addProduct(product_id) {
      ajaxCart.add(product_id, null, false, this);

and called it with the html onclick:

<a class="exclusive ajax_add_to_cart_button" title="{l s='Add to cart' mod='banditquote'}" onclick="addProduct({$banditQuotes[nr].quote_product_link})">{l s='Add to cart' mod='banditquote'}</a>

But this doesn't work...


I don't know how else to trigger my new js function from the class :/


Hope you can help again?



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This is also an error showing in ajax-cart.js :


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'left' of undefined


Which seems to be a this line? Maybe it's because I don't have a picture for this product....

pictureOffsetOriginal.right = $(window).innerWidth() - pictureOffsetOriginal.left - $element.width();
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  On 6/8/2016 at 8:16 AM, Nemo1 said:

actually just remove the onclick event and add data-id-product as I mentioned


Thank you!! That's the closest I've got to it working!


I now get the error: Product not found


I suspect because of processChangeProductInCart ??


Which uses $this->id_product

elseif (!$this->id_product)
$this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Product not found', !Tools::getValue('ajax'));

How can I populate $this with the product id?


Thanks again!

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Sorry (again) for my lack of understanding.


Am I correct thinking that CartController can't get the product id, because in my module, there is no context with product data?


Do I need to override the controller or something, and write in a getProduct function in my module controller that returns $this->id_product?



Thank you again for your help!

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Actually it should get it, if you add the data info.
Is the product id being sent over ajax? Like if you inspect the headers for your ajax call, in the network tab, there is a list of the parameters being sent over

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  On 6/10/2016 at 7:53 AM, Nemo1 said:

Actually it should get it, if you add the data info.

Is the product id being sent over ajax? Like if you inspect the headers for your ajax call, in the network tab, there is a list of the parameters being sent over


Yeah, it looks like it :/


  1. Request URL:
  1. controller:
  2. add:
  3. ajax:
  4. qty:
  5. id_product:
  6. token:



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I have a new DB table that has custom orders, it has an int field called quote_product_link that links to a product, in this case with the value of 95.


The page gets all the quotes for a specific customer from $banditQuotes in my controller:

$this->context->smarty->assign('banditQuotes', BanditQuotes::getBanditQuotes((int)Context::getContext()->customer->id, (int)Context::getContext()->language->id));

And loops through them all, with this add to cart button passing the above quote_product_link value:

rel="data-id-product_{$banditQuotes[nr].quote_product_link}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart')}?qty=1&id_product={$banditQuotes[nr].quote_product_link}&token={$static_token}&add"

Does that explain enough?



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