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What can we do if the site owner overlook our legal notices?

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This member: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/member/17510/fredo/

has moved my friend Eihwaz's new/blog modules to his site. http://shop.ddlx.org/581--module-prestashop-news-blog.html'>http://shop.ddlx.org/581--module-prestashop-news-blog.html

These news/blog modules have carried a restrict permission in which "The users are free to use/edit/modify these modules in anyway he/she see fit. However, the users are NOT allowed to redistribute, provide download link, or display download link of these modules, themes, or modifications to his/her blog, Forum, or website of any kind in anyway"

Eihwaz and I had sent the shop owner emails separately asking them to remove the modules and got no response. This shop http://shop.ddlx.org has provided illegal download links for the News/blog modules in their shop.

Developers should be aware that if a shop such as DDLX just move your themes or modules to their shop, they will get donations over your work, instead of people donate to you. The shop that stead your work will index higher in Google as they use your works to fill up the inventory.

If this member doesn't remove Eihwaz's news/blogs modules from his site with in 48 hours, I am going to Google ddlx,org and report this illegal action in every post that I find in Google so that Google can index this shop illegal action and it will show in every post.

I have report this issue in the french section here http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/53366/modules_tiers/soyez_conscient_les_developpeurs_dot__ddlx_voler_vos_themes_et_modules_dot_




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This member: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/member/17510/fredo/
has moved my friend Eihwaz's new/blog modules to his site. http://shop.ddlx.org/581--module-prestashop-news-blog.html'>http://shop.ddlx.org/581--module-prestashop-news-blog.html
These news/blog modules have carried a restrict permission in which "The users are free to use/edit/modify these modules in anyway he/she see fit. However, the users are NOT allowed to redistribute, provide download link, or display download link of these modules, themes, or modifications to his/her blog, Forum, or website of any kind in anyway"

Eihwaz and I had sent the shop owner emails separately asking them to remove the modules and got no response. This shop http://shop.ddlx.org has provided illegal download links for the News/blog modules in their shop.

Developers should be aware that if a shop such as DDLX just move your themes or modules to their shop, they will get donations over your work, instead of people donate to you. The shop that stead your work will index higher in Google as they use your works to fill up the inventory.

If this member doesn't remove Eihwaz's news/blogs modules from his site with in 48 hours, I am going to Google ddlx,org and report this illegal action in every post that I find in Google so that Google can index this shop illegal action and it will show in every post.

I have report this issue in the french section here http://www.prestashop.com/forums/viewthread/53366/modules_tiers/soyez_conscient_les_developpeurs_dot__ddlx_voler_vos_themes_et_modules_dot_

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I've noticed that my free modules are on this site too. There is a link to my site, but you are right about donations going to them instead of the owners of the modules. I've now updated my terms and conditions on my website to say that distributing my modules on another website is not allowed. You must link to the original download locations instead of copying the modules!

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I've noticed that my free modules are on this site too. There is a link to my site, but you are right about donations going to them instead of the owners of the modules. I've now updated my terms and conditions on my website to say that distributing my modules on another website is not allowed. You must link to the original download locations instead of copying the modules!

Star had written all of the legal documents for Ehiwaz. You can consult with Star for the legal terms. She thinks highly about you. She will help you.
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I've noticed that my free modules are on this site too. There is a link to my site, but you are right about donations going to them instead of the owners of the modules. I've now updated my terms and conditions on my website to say that distributing my modules on another website is not allowed. You must link to the original download locations instead of copying the modules!

Star had written all of the legal documents for Ehiwaz. You can consult with Star for the legal terms. She thinks highly about you. She will help you.


I had also written the privacy statement and terms and conditions for Rocky. And I also consulted Rocky where he should put the legal links to on his modules and shop. He should be in a pretty good sharp. You go take a look and let me know what you think.


You need to remove all of the download links from the forum and keep them in you shop. No download links should be provided anywhere other than in your shop.

All developers,

I had written all the legal documents for Ehiwaz and the privacy statement and terms and conditions for Rocky. They are written only for Ehiwaz and Rocky. I have granted the right for Ehiwaz and Rocky to use the documents I wrote. Other than Ehiwaz and Rocky, nobody is allowed to use the legal documents that I prepared. Please don't just copy the legal docs from their sites and put them on yours. We will google our legal documents from time to time and we will find out who had copied ours. Thanks. This is per Ehiwaz's explanation about Google SEO indexing. What I understand is if shops are using the same content, excepts the first shop that got indexed by Google, the other shops will get lower ranking and as a result, it will have less traffic.
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I just wanted to say one thing: when you put a someone else's free module on your website with a donation button, the only thing us developers can do is make new versions of our modules paid. Not because we're greedy or anything, just because it usually takes a lot of time and effort to create one.
So it's up to you to keep it free :)
All my new modules will have a link to legal notice in them (not readme.txt or licence.txt, no, the actual link next to module name).
P.S.: This forum is full of threads about bad developers whose modules do not work at all and who provide little to no support. As you see, it's not always developers to blame :)

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I don't see any download link on their site, just a link to the forum thread. But I have not added it to the cart and gone trough the checkout, and they do make it look like they are selling this as a product.

In any case, Google is not the right address for this. If they fail to comply, you should contact their hosting provider and inform them about the copyright infringement, with links to the page in question and the forum threads here as evidence. If it is a reputable hosting provider they do usually respond positively.

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We are not thieves, we do not adopt the modules present in our shop.

As we offer a module from community in our shop, (most of them are under “creative comon”) we are including the author name and link the autor website and link the forum. (In short we reference the author’s site and indeed (as prestashop forum) we bring you some visitors and customers …) “We are stealing your module ? “ Telling this is a bit unfair in my opinion …

PS: The module has been removed from our site to your request …

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I received PM from Fre-do this morning.

We are not thieves, we do not adopt the modules present in our shop.

As we offer a module from community in our shop, (most of them are under “creative comon”) we are including the author name and link the autor website and link the forum. (In short we reference the author’s site and indeed (as prestashop forum) we bring you some visitors and customers …) “We are stealing your module ? “ Telling this is a bit unfair in my opinion …

PS: The module has been removed from our site to your request … 

Thank you for the response.

And I got an email right after the above email from Fre-do:

PS : Last 48h a was at the hospital,  poor lamer !!! I could not remove your fucking module from our shop. 

Be carefull about what you are saying, i could return to you and make poursuit...

What is that mean?

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PS : Last 48h a was at the hospital, I could not remove your module from our shop.... poor boy... >:(

I received this PM from you
PS : Last 48h a was at the hospital,  poor lamer !!! I could not remove your fucking module from our shop. 

Be carefull about what you are saying, i could return to you and make poursuit...

What are you trying to say?

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hi all developers;
A method for licensing rights to protect the module must be developed. license.lic method can be developed as an example. since he did not know I've developed a module in estpay accused. and is currently the developer of a method such as license.lic. When the project is completed, this method will share with the community.
example product link

Best Regards

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it's disgusting thing...

IN this site ara a lot of moules of the comunity, but i this in other sites the modules and themes are redistributong. But you need to worry for this:

This is my version of theme editor:

and you can see the version of ddlx:

same options....same style of navigation...What do you think??
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I've noticed that my free modules are on this site too. There is a link to my site, but you are right about donations going to them instead of the owners of the modules. I've now updated my terms and conditions on my website to say that distributing my modules on another website is not allowed. You must link to the original download locations instead of copying the modules!

Star had written all of the legal documents for Ehiwaz. You can consult with Star for the legal terms. She thinks highly about you. She will help you.


I had also written the privacy statement and terms and conditions for Rocky. And I also consulted Rocky where he should put the legal links to on his modules and shop. He should be in a pretty good sharp. You go take a look and let me know what you think.


You need to remove all of the download links from the forum and keep them in you shop. No download links should be provided anywhere other than in your shop.

All developers,

I had written all the legal documents for Ehiwaz and the privacy statement and terms and conditions for Rocky. They are written only for Ehiwaz and Rocky. I have granted the right for Ehiwaz and Rocky to use the documents I wrote. Other than Ehiwaz and Rocky, nobody is allowed to use the legal documents that I prepared. Please don't just copy the legal docs from their sites and put them on yours. We will google our legal documents from time to time and we will find out who had copied ours. Thanks. This is per Ehiwaz's explanation about Google SEO indexing. What I understand is if shops are using the same content, excepts the first shop that got indexed by Google, the other shops will get lower ranking and as a result, it will have less traffic.

Hi star. Can you help me with my terms of conditions?
I really appreciate your help
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We are not here trying to evaluate or compare DDLX with other sites to determine if DDLX is doing it right or wrong, or suggest what they should do with their shop or demo, or propose what direction they should take with their business model. We are here only talking about the news/blog module of Eihwaz, nothing else.

I personally respect a lot of DDLX 's commercial work. Even though, I have ever used their free or commercial modules or themes, I can not express any opinion as a customer, but I think they have put a lot of effort into setting up their shop.

There is a lesson here for everyone to learn. I know Eihwaz and Jack are not here to get DDLX. When Jack showed me the news/blog modules download link on DDLX, I asked him to send DDLX an email to request them to remove the modules. I think DDLX has just overlooked the legal notices on Eihwaz’s modules.

I have seen a lot of people who would just copied the free themes and modules of other developers and provided a download links on their websites, forums, or blogs. And they have a donation box on their sites and some of them even explicitly stated that “Please donate”. As my profession is related to the legal field, the first things came to my mind are:” who is getting the donation? The developers or the site owners? “ However, when I checked on the free themes and modules files, most of them have no terms and conditions be included or linked anywhere. What is that mean? Does it mean that the developers gave up their right? I have also seen some developers have a terms and conditions page on their sites; however, the page content does not reflect what they are doing.

I also have seen a lot of websites that put other developers’ free modules or themes into their inventory pool (within the same category). It looks like they have a lot of modules and themes of their own. Is this ethical acceptable? Use other developers’ work to make your site looks good?

When Eihwaz set up his blog/shop, I immediately advised him to have a set of legal docs. I have prepared a set of unique docs, based on Eihwaz’s conditions, tailored fit for his blog/shop to satisfied Google indexing method. We do not want any site use Eihwaz’s legal docs as it will dilute the ranking for Eihwaz’s site.

I strongly suggest all developers prepare a terms and conditions page, and include it with your modules and themes. Otherwise, you really can not blame other’s making money on your work as you have given up you right.

For the site owners who would like to introduce other people’s modules or themes, I believe the best way to do is set up a category as “third party modules and themes” and only provide (redirect) a link to the original location of the modules and themes. I have an example here. http://www.freeprestashopmodules.com/2010/03/15/newsblog-module/ (see attached image). Then you can prepare a donation box on your site as the customers are giving the donation base on your effort of gathering the info instead of the modules or themes itself. Therefore, you will bring more traffic to the developers and also you can get donations too.


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Hi star. Can you help me with my terms of conditions?
I really appreciate your help

I think the best person you should ask for help is Jack. He is an experience lawyer and his fee is reasonable.
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I ll just say one think :


We propose the community's free modules as many other website do...

Jack wanted us to remove his news module from our site, we ve remove it. Have a look a the fact : By doing this, he loose the shop referal and certainly loose some potentiel custumer...

That's all

PS : Jack in private message there is the word : "private"

Best regard
Frédéric Puech

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Hello, I would like to react with regard to thread of discussion who to my taste take a form insane.

Effectively we put free modules of the prestashop community on our shop,
I hold in specified that we do not make it appropier we these modules, on the contrary,
on each of the modules we specify the author of modulate and let us make one links towards his(her,its) site or its topic;
we happen that our customer asks for information to us, and indeed we manage them towards the developer of the module in question.
All this to explain you that probably brought back(probably reported) customer and contributed to the popularity of the developer
of its modules seen number of download whom(that) we register(record) every day and the good referencing which we have on search engines.

Now if a developer disapproves of it we remove the products of our shop with no problem at all, as soon as we can him(it).

What is regrettable it is that since we work and contribute
( Template modulate) for prestashop we often faced this type(chap) of debate
What prevents a serene work in association with member(limb) of the community
( Except some exceptions) which(who) would be sharply more constructive and more advantageous for everybody.

I am sorry for my English, I hope that you understood me

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This incident had nothing to do with me, but I would like to see it has a happy ending.


Could you please change the title of thread to something else? Something like "What can we do if the site owner overlook our legal notices? " I just checked DDLX and they did already remove the modules from their site. Using a title like what you have now "Be aware, developers. DDLX steals your modules and themes." may get some attention, but it will not be fair to them. Google will index this thread and that is no good, and not fair to DDLX. Building up a shop reputation is very hard, DDLX has a good reputation here in Prestashop forum, don't destroy it as this has no point to do so.

I understand that you told me each you and Eihwaz used their shop contact form to ask them to remove the modules and they did not reply, both you and Eihwaz PM them and they did not reply either. And that was why you had to use this title to get attention. The bottom line is you asked, and they removed the modules. That is it. Give a benefit of doubt that when you contacted them with their contact form and PM them, it was on weekend, they might not see it. That was why they did not rely right away. I also think DDLX just overlooked the legal notices (since only Rocky and Eihwaz have permission restriction for their modules and themes) and that was not their intend to "steal" .

Change the title of the thread, and the case is closed. Okay?

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This incident had nothing to do with me, but I would like to see it has a happy ending.


Could you please change the title of thread to something else? Something like "What can we do if the site owner overlook our legal notices? " I just checked DDLX and they did already remove the modules from their site. Using a title like what you have now "Be aware, developers. DDLX steals your modules and themes." may get some attention, but it will not be fair to them. Google will index this thread and that is no good, and not fair to DDLX. Building up a shop reputation is very hard, DDLX has a good reputation here in Prestashop forum, don't destroy it as this has no point to do so.

I understand that you told me each you and Eihwaz used their shop contact form to ask them to remove the modules and they did not reply, both you and Eihwaz PM them and they did not reply either. And that was why you had to use this title to get attention. The bottom line is you asked, and they removed the modules. That is it. Give a benefit of doubt that when you contacted them with their contact form and PM them, it was on weekend, they might not see it. That was why they did not rely right away. I also think DDLX just overlooked the legal notices (since only Rocky and Eihwaz have permission restriction for their modules and themes) and that was not their intend to "steal" .

Change the title of the thread, and the case is closed. Okay?

I think that the title is correct. you see the video links that i put in this thread??
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I think that the title is correct. you see the video links that i put in this thread??

Is it forbiden for DDLX to make a template editor ?

Is it forbiden to make template ?

- I dont think you have the monopole of template editor ! Prestashop team have made their own template editor in prestabox... (before you) ... Did they accuse you ?

- Mr Shacker ? When we wanted to use your module "homescrool", dont we contact & buy you a commercial license ?

- Dont you think that if we were thief we would never contact you for the homescroll ?

- As we did it for "homescroll" dont you think that if we wanted to use your editor we contact you to purchase a commercial license ?

- You've made your template editor - We've made ours ! that's all.

if you think we steal your module, instead of debating on the forum, contact your lawyer ... and we ll see who is true...

Best regard
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Could you please change the title of thread to something else? Something like "What can we do if the site owner overlook our legal notices? " I just checked DDLX and they did already remove the modules from their site. Using a title like what you have now "Be aware, developers. DDLX steals your modules and themes." may get some attention, but it will not be fair to them. Google will index this thread and that is no good, and not fair to DDLX. Building up a shop reputation is very hard, DDLX has a good reputation here in Prestashop forum, don't destroy it as this has no point to do so.

I understand that you told me each you and Eihwaz used their shop contact form to ask them to remove the modules and they did not reply, both you and Eihwaz PM them and they did not reply either. And that was why you had to use this title to get attention. The bottom line is you asked, and they removed the modules. That is it. Give a benefit of doubt that when you contacted them with their contact form and PM them, it was on weekend, they might not see it. That was why they did not rely right away. I also think DDLX just overlooked the legal notices (since only Rocky and Eihwaz have permission restriction for their modules and themes) and that was not their intend to "steal" .

Change the title of the thread, and the case is closed. Okay?

I was going to change the title after I got the nice PM from Fre-do, but he sent me another PM that cursed me. I don't understand why he did it. That was stupid. You have your points, Star, and it makes sense too. Ok, Title has been changed and case closed.
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I just received a PM from Fre-do and he explained to me that he was stuck in something and he could not get to the computer to answer Eihwaz and my PM or contract form right away.

Case closed.

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I think that the title is correct. you see the video links that i put in this thread??

Is it forbiden for DDLX to make a template editor ?

Is it forbiden to make template ?

- I dont think you have the monopole of template editor ! Prestashop team have made their own template editor in prestabox... (before you) ... Did they accuse you ?

- Mr Shacker ? When we wanted to use your module "homescrool", dont we contact & buy you a commercial license ?

- Dont you think that if we were thief we would never contact you for the homescroll ?

- As we did it for "homescroll" dont you think that if we wanted to use your editor we contact you to purchase a commercial license ?

- You've made your template editor - We've made ours ! that's all.

if you think we steal your module, instead of debating on the forum, contact your lawyer ... and we ll see who is true...

Best regard

Come on, amigo. let's be friends.
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I think that the title is correct. you see the video links that i put in this thread??

Is it forbiden for DDLX to make a template editor ?

Is it forbiden to make template ?

- I dont think you have the monopole of template editor ! Prestashop team have made their own template editor in prestabox... (before you) ... Did they accuse you ?

- Mr Shacker ? When we wanted to use your module "homescrool", dont we contact & buy you a commercial license ?

- Dont you think that if we were thief we would never contact you for the homescroll ?

- As we did it for "homescroll" dont you think that if we wanted to use your editor we contact you to purchase a commercial license ?

- You've made your template editor - We've made ours ! that's all.

if you think we steal your module, instead of debating on the forum, contact your lawyer ... and we ll see who is true...

Best regard

I have no problem with peaple make similar things, but you use the same things to do a very very similar module, only change some features and add others. I nod judge the module, y judge all the similitudes. Youn can do the same thing, but only change the look and feel. (tha way that you use for the menu is tha same as my editor).

What do you think if a guy sell the same modules, only change the look??

If the module is free, no problem, you can change and do anything, but if the module is a paid module, is a great error.

Nothing else. Case closed.

I attach a screen of my new system of theme editor, so the peaple see the original.


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I think that the title is correct. you see the video links that i put in this thread??

Is it forbiden for DDLX to make a template editor ?

Is it forbiden to make template ?

- I dont think you have the monopole of template editor ! Prestashop team have made their own template editor in prestabox... (before you) ... Did they accuse you ?

- Mr Shacker ? When we wanted to use your module "homescrool", dont we contact & buy you a commercial license ?

- Dont you think that if we were thief we would never contact you for the homescroll ?

- As we did it for "homescroll" dont you think that if we wanted to use your editor we contact you to purchase a commercial license ?

- You've made your template editor - We've made ours ! that's all.

if you think we steal your module, instead of debating on the forum, contact your lawyer ... and we ll see who is true...

Best regard

I have no problem with peaple make similar things, but you use the same things to do a very very similar module, only change some features and add others. I nod judge the module, y judge all the similitudes. Youn can do the same thing, but only change the look and feel. (tha way that you use for the menu is tha same as my editor).

What do you think if a guy sell the same modules, only change the look??

If the module is free, no problem, you can change and do anything, but if the module is a paid module, is a great error.

Nothing else. Case closed.

I attach a screen of my new system of theme editor, so the peaple see the original.

It's ,not the same module boy !!! We ve entierly done our's so shut up please

If you want to play like this : Look at your homescrooll and look at deezer ... The same module : YOU ARE THIEF !!!

So now STOP THIS stupid attitude NOW !!! or we will become harder again you boy :

What's your entreprise name ?
Where is you legal number ?
Are you realy a proffetionnal ?
Or are you just a boy without any legal registry who illegaly sell sotfware without paying any legal tax ?
Who are you realy ? ??? come on tell us about your entreprise ... >:-(




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I think that the title is correct. you see the video links that i put in this thread??

Is it forbiden for DDLX to make a template editor ?

Is it forbiden to make template ?

- I dont think you have the monopole of template editor ! Prestashop team have made their own template editor in prestabox... (before you) ... Did they accuse you ?

- Mr Shacker ? When we wanted to use your module "homescrool", dont we contact & buy you a commercial license ?

- Dont you think that if we were thief we would never contact you for the homescroll ?

- As we did it for "homescroll" dont you think that if we wanted to use your editor we contact you to purchase a commercial license ?

- You've made your template editor - We've made ours ! that's all.

if you think we steal your module, instead of debating on the forum, contact your lawyer ... and we ll see who is true...

Best regard

I have no problem with peaple make similar things, but you use the same things to do a very very similar module, only change some features and add others. I nod judge the module, y judge all the similitudes. Youn can do the same thing, but only change the look and feel. (tha way that you use for the menu is tha same as my editor).

What do you think if a guy sell the same modules, only change the look??

If the module is free, no problem, you can change and do anything, but if the module is a paid module, is a great error.

Nothing else. Case closed.

I attach a screen of my new system of theme editor, so the peaple see the original.

It's ,not the same module boy !!! We ve entierly done our's so shut up please

If you want to play like this : Look at your homescrooll and look at deezer ... The same module : YOU ARE THIEF !!!

So now STOP THIS stupid attitude NOW !!! or we will become harder again you boy :

What's your entreprise name ?
Where is you legal number ?
Are you realy a proffetionnal ?
Or are you just a boy without any legal registry who illegaly sell sotfware without paying any legal tax ?
Who are you realy ? ??? come on tell us about your entreprise ... >:-(

Tha module that you say is a JAVA MODULE, the home scroll is a FLASH MODULE, is complety different, the module you use the same script, the same interface.

My enterprise is RSI SISTEMAS, you can look www.rsi-sistemas.com.ar

You pay the donations in your site to the real creators of the module that you offer FREE!???

Case closed
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my last serenade:

I forgot the spirit of Prestashop. so i was arguing and say sorry to Fre do. Im a gentleman and I apologize if someone wounds.

As moderator, I must exercise this role, to pacify. So let this whole thing and tratemoslo in private if it so warrants

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Boy, i propose you somethink :

We will compare the source code of our module and your's.

- If effectively we steal your code, we will pay you 2000 € !

- If not : you ll pay us 2000 € and you'll present public excuse for the wrong accusation you've made.

1) we will block the 4000 € on an an paypal account diriged by one juge. (A lawyer por exemple)
2) we will present our 2 modules to the juge.

3) the juge will see and copare the source code and say if yes or no it is the same code. Then he will reverse the money to the one who say the true.

Are you ok to do this ?

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Boy, i propose you somethink :

We will compare the source code of our module and your's.

- If effectively we steal your code, we will pay you 2000 € !

- If not : you ll pay us 2000 € and you'll present public excuse for the wrong accusation you've made.

1) we will block the 2000 € on an an paypal account diriged by one juge. (A lawyer por exemple)
2) we will present our 2 modules to the juge.

3) the juge will see and copare the source code and say if yes or no it is the same code. Then he will reverse the money to the one who say the true.

Are you ok to do this ?

Your are not understandig. Repeat my last post:

my last serenade:

I forgot the spirit of Prestashop. so i was arguing and say sorry to Fre do. Im a gentleman and I apologize if someone wounds.

As moderator, I must exercise this role, to pacify. So let this whole thing and tratemoslo in private if it so warrants
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I am sorry but now, the damage is done ... you ve said on public place we ve steal your module... We cannont reverse then let's go to the end and see who is the liar... who is illegaly working ...etc

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I am sorry but now, the damage is done ... you ve said on public place we ve steal your module... We cannont reverse then let's go to the end and see who is the liar... who is illegaly working ...etc

You can modify all source code, so this have dont sense. And you dont enter in reason.
I recomend you to dont post here, te topic only goes up and all the looks are at you now.

Another thing. I dont say in the first that you copy , only say:

IN this site ara a lot of moules of the comunity, but i this in other sites the modules and themes are redistributong. But you need to worry for this:
This is my version of theme editor:

and you can see the version of ddlx:

same options….same style of navigation…What do you think??


only say OPINION. Nothing more.

Best regards
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A template editor is an editor template, we will not ask the module to make coffee or provide information about the weather of the day ...

After the customer is making a choice ...

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Hum... Strange ...

- Apparently there is no entreprise named "RSI SITEMAS" in Agentina ... :smirk: (i ve made some search)

- No RCS Number on your invoice ? :-/

- No TVA intracommunautaire number ? :-/

Suddenly I have a big doubt on the legality of your business shacker... >:-(

Our accountant will make a small check on your bill (invoice) ... if you're not a pro you just dont have the right to have a commercial activity as your are doing on you website... We ll see tha soon... :-)

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Hum... Strange ...

- Apparently there is no entreprise named "RSI SITEMAS" in Agentina ... :smirk: (i ve made some search)

- No RCS Number on your invoice ? :-/

- No TVA intracommunautaire number ? :-/

Suddenly I have a big doubt on the legality of your business shacker... >:-(

Our accountant will make a small check on your bill (invoice) ... if you're not a pro you just dont have the right to have a commercial activity as your are doing on you website... We ll see tha soon... :-)

search again:

OH SURPRISE !!! If you dont know how the laws and commerce work in Argentina, dont talk boy. In my country, exportation of services dont pay VAT or IVA

Dont worry for me, worry for your bussines and do better things (without copy ;) )

Search in the forum all the peaple i helped, search the modules free that i offer.... not compare

Best regards to all.
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AJJAJA.. your make me laught .


This is the site of my partner, and this company dont appear....where you search this site http://www.info-clipper.com?

Please, i sel products in prestastore and they need an invoice. What do you think?? The prestatem donk now businness?
PLease please work in your store.

Case closed
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Before closing :

1 ) You accuse us to steal your code but you cant prouve it.
2 ) You ve refuse to compare the source code of the 2 modules. (Of course you knoiw we dont copy.)
3 ) You 've never give us any society number (If you got one i think it sould be easy to give it.)

Then i belive your are in illégal situation, you sould stay in your little corner before accusing honest people.

This is damage because in the past we used to send you many clients for your product (PDF module, SEO module) ... and we where clients in your shop. Be sure we will not recommend your product in the future.

That's all.

Best regard,

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Before closing :

1 ) You accuse us to steal your code but you cant prouve it.
2 ) You ve refuse to compare the source code of the 2 modules. (Of course you knoiw we dont copy.)
3 ) You 've never give us any society number (If you got one i think it sould be easy to give it.)

Then i belive your are in illégal situation, you sould stay in your little corner before accusing honest people.

This is damage because in the past we used to send you many clients for your product (PDF module, SEO module) ... and we where clients in your shop. Be sure we will not recommend your product in the future.

That's all.

Best regard,

i dont accuse, i give opinion of the 2 modules
you can easy change the code, i mean the options of the module and look, header option, etc

you velive that im a illegal, people in this post belive that you make money with modules of other customers, and you send PM insulting. This is not correct for a BUSINNES MAN like you, do you think?
Never a client tell me about you.

Now, case closed
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I dont belive, i am sure you are illégal !! And i prouve it :

Here is an invoice coming from your shop.

Where are the obligatory legal mention ? nowhere... why ?

This invoice as all invoice from your shop are illégal !
This means that all your transactions are illégal, you are working under the cloak (Do we say that in english for illégal work ? )

PS : Just one think : In this thread we do not pick fights ... You asked for it ...


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I dont belive, i am sure you are illégal !! And i prouve it :

Here is an invoice coming from your shop.

Where are the obligatory legal mention ? nowhere... why ?

This invoice as all invoice from your shop are illégal !
This means that all your transactions are illégal, you are working under the cloak (Do we say that in english for illégal work ? )

Say what you whant. Continue selling products of other users.

Best regards !!!!!
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