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Displaying products with no category in the backend

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This might seem strange but I think there should be a way to view products with no category assigned to them in the backend.

Reason I came across this is because I was trying to duplicate products and I got 2 errors. I thought the items didn't go into the db but they did. They only show up in the front end under manufacturers. They're nowhere to be seen in the backend.

Obviously I'm gonna manually delete them out of mysql. I'm just saying it might be nice to display products with no category in future versions, in case this happens to anyone else, and so you can potentially spot and correct errors in your product list

Just a suggestion

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  • 7 months later...
Obviously I’m gonna manually delete them out of mysql.

Hey Maestro,
You have saved me alot of heartache with these words. Because of you, i now know to go over the the SQL database to delete uncategorized error-generated entries. Thank YOU! Thank You!

It was successful and it was Soooo easy! Keep them coming.
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