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is there anyone who knows how to do if you have eg 2 x T-shirt in sizes M and L as you want to add in the product catalog without having to copiera and make one for M and one for L for when you sold 1 t-shirt in let us say M the customer can still choose from the dropdown menu size M instead of only when the size L.

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Go to Catalog > Attributes and group, create a "Size" attribute group with "M" and "L" attributes, then go to the "3. Combinations" on the product edit, click the "Product Combinations Generator", then select "M" and "L", click Add, enter a default quantity for all the sizes, then click "Generate" and "Back to Product". You will then have a single T-shirt product where you can choose the size as M or L. If the customer buys one of the sizes, the quantity will be deducted from that size only, and the other size will still have the same quantity. See the Wiki for more information and screenshots.

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