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Removing required field in product reviews


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I have this problem. When writing a product review one of the required fields is "Title". I tried modifying productcomments.tpl in themes/default-bootstrap/modules/productcomments and was able to remove title from new review page but still when I test by writing "Your name", "Comment"  in two fields that have left and submiting it, it still says "Title is incorrect". So something still requires the title to entered even tho it isn't shown in the page anymore.

What else do I need to modify?



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It's the following code on lines 77-78 (in PrestaShop v1.6.1.5) of modules/productcomments/controllers/front/default.php that displays that error message:

		if (!Tools::getValue('title') || !Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('title')))
			$errors[] = $module_instance->l('Title is incorrect', 'default');

I suggest that you // comment out those lines.

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Thanks a lot man it worked. Maybe you can also tell me why the name that you enter in review page does not overide name that was entered in shipping details and saved in cookies? If you write different name comment still saves with name and first letter of a surname. How can I change this?

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I read the code and it appears to be lines 109-111 (in PrestaShop v1.6.1.5) of modules/productcomments/ProductComment.php that overrides the comment name with the customer name:

			IF(c.id_customer, CONCAT(c.`firstname`, \' \',  LEFT(c.`lastname`, 1)), pc.customer_name) customer_name, pc.`content`, pc.`grade`, pc.`date_add`, pc.title
			  FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_comment` pc
			LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c ON c.`id_customer` = pc.`id_customer`

Try changing it to the following:

			pc.customer_name, pc.`content`, pc.`grade`, pc.`date_add`, pc.title
			  FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product_comment` pc

I haven't tested this code, so you'll have to test it for me.

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Okay I tested it and it works. Appreciate it. But one more question because I am green at php coding. Now when you don't enter any name (like before) comment saves with customer name instead of giving an error that name is incorrect and that is good, but before it was saving name and first letter of a surname of a customer, now it saves name and full surname. I would prefer it would be like it was before. Any thoughts?

Edited by wyttazs (see edit history)
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I found the following on line 104-105 (in PrestaShop v1.6.1.5) of modules/productcomments/controllers/front/default.php that appears to do that:

				if (!$comment->customer_name)
					$comment->customer_name = pSQL($this->context->customer->firstname.' '.$this->context->customer->lastname);

Try changing it to:

				if (!$comment->customer_name)
					$comment->customer_name = pSQL($this->context->customer->firstname.' '.Tools::substr($this->context->customer->lastname, 0, 1).'.');

This should change the name from John Doe to John D.

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It worked. Thanks a lot dude. Wouldn't have managed all this by myself. You are the best. And I thought that those lines in modules/productcomments/ProductComment.php that I changed were doing this, because it was "John D" before changing them.

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  • 9 months later...


Can You tell me how should I modify the code for submit this form with no need to write name?

I want to have only rting stars(Quality:) recquired.

comment out  lines.77, 78 concerning 'titile' but doing the same in field 'content' it doesnt work.

And field 'customer_name' is connected with Submit so i dont know how to separete it. 

$errors = array();
		// Validation
		if (!Validate::isInt(Tools::getValue('id_product')))
			$errors[] = $module_instance->l('Product ID is incorrect', 'default');
		//if (!Tools::getValue('title') || !Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('title')))
			//$errors[] = $module_instance->l('Title is incorrect', 'default');
		//if (!Tools::getValue('content') || !Validate::isMessage(Tools::getValue('content')))
			//$errors[] = $module_instance->l('Comment is incorrect', 'default');
		if (!$id_customer && (!Tools::isSubmit('customer_name') || !Tools::getValue('customer_name') || !Validate::isGenericName(Tools::getValue('customer_name'))))
			$errors[] = $module_instance->l('Customer name is incorrect', 'default');
		if (!$this->context->customer->id && !Configuration::get('PRODUCT_COMMENTS_ALLOW_GUESTS'))
			$errors[] = $module_instance->l('You must be connected in order to send a comment', 'default');
		if (!count(Tools::getValue('criterion')))
			$errors[] = $module_instance->l('You must give a rating', 'default');
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