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Google Base xml disapproved due to capitalisation


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Hi, I have listed around 2000 items in prestashop, but unfortunately I have entered all my product titles in capital letters. On submitting my google data feed i was met with disapproval because of the excess capitalisation of my site.....Oooops. I am gutted, needless to say. Is there a way of bulk editing, so that my listings can be converted from UPPERCASE to Title Case. Or am I going to have to start again from scratch???
Many thanks in advance for any help offered.

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You could get round this using a php function.

Make a php file that reads your database, gets the title, and changes the wording to title case. Just have it loop through every entry until complete.

Unfortunately I'm snowed under at the moment so I can't provide anything for you. Maybe another member can help? Or look up on Google for a solution?

The php function you will need is ucwords();

so in your loop you will need it so that:

//$string = the uppercase text from your database
$string = ucwords($string);
//re-save it in it's new format

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