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Products view in category


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I have prestashop with theme default-bootstrap. I wanted to make another product view under product category as it's possible by default. Maybe someone could advice some module which could help resolve me this need? As I'm beginner in this field then I could use already usable product (module), not write by myself those features.


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I want to modify products view under categories. In list view one product takes a lot of space and I want to make it more compact, so there would be shown more products at one time. At grid view there are more products, but still they takes too much place as well prestashop shows only name, not short description, which is not enough.

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Old bug, replace the regenerateEntireNTree in category.php with this


    public static function regenerateEntireNtree()
        $id = Context::getContext()->shop->id;
        $id_shop = $id ? $id: Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_DEFAULT');
        $categories = Db::getInstance()->executeS('
		SELECT c.`id_category`, c.`id_parent`
		FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category` c
		LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'category_shop` cs
		ON (c.`id_category` = cs.`id_category` AND cs.`id_shop` = '.(int)$id_shop.')
		ORDER BY c.`id_parent`, cs.`position` ASC');
        $categories_array = array();
        foreach ($categories as $category) {

            $categories_array[$category['id_parent']]['subcategories'][] = $category['id_category'];
        $n = 1;

        if (isset($categories_array[0]) && $categories_array[0]['subcategories']) {
            foreach ($categories_array[0]['subcategories'] as $subcat)
                Category::_subTree($categories_array, $subcat, $n);
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