Rihab002 Posted May 31, 2016 Share Posted May 31, 2016 Bonjour, je veux ajouter deux colonnes dans la liste des commandes dans le backoffice( ville de livraison et type de livraison). j'ai fait la surcharge de la classe AdminOrdersController.php: j'ai créé le fichier AdminOrdersController.php dans le dossier prestashop/override/controllers/admin/ avec le contenu suivant : <?php class AdminOrdersController extends AdminOrdersControllerCore { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->_select .= ', carrier.`name` as scarrier, CONCAT(address.`postcode`, \' \', address.`city`) as sville'; $this->fields_list['scarrier'] = array( 'title' => $this->l('Type de livraison') ); $this->fields_list['sville'] = array( 'title' => $this->l('Ville de livraison') ); } Un message d'erreur s'affiche lorsque j'utilise la barre de recherche/filtre de la nouvelle colonne (Type de livraison ou Adresse de livraison,) « Mauvaise requête SQL Unknown column ‘sville’ in ‘where clause’ » et puis j'ai pas accès au backoffice. Avez-vous une idée pour résoudre ce problème ou d'autres suggestions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alexandre Carette Posted May 31, 2016 Share Posted May 31, 2016 Salut, Ici on affiche une colonne groupe client public function __construct() { $this->bootstrap = true; $this->table = 'order'; $this->className = 'Order'; $this->lang = false; $this->addRowAction('view'); $this->explicitSelect = true; $this->allow_export = true; $this->deleted = false; $this->context = Context::getContext(); $this->_select = ' a.id_currency, a.id_order AS id_pdf, CONCAT(LEFT(c.`firstname`, 1), \'. \', c.`lastname`) AS `customer`, cg.id_group, cgl.name AS `customer_group`, //on select la colonne du groupe en bdd osl.`name` AS `osname`, os.`color`, IF((SELECT so.id_order FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` so WHERE so.id_customer = a.id_customer AND so.id_order < a.id_order LIMIT 1) > 0, 0, 1) as new, country_lang.name as cname, IF(a.valid, 1, 0) badge_success'; $this->_join = ' LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer` c ON (c.`id_customer` = a.`id_customer`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'customer_group` cg ON (cg.`id_customer` = c.`id_customer`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'group_lang` cgl ON (cg.`id_group` = cgl.`id_group`) //forcement il faut faire une jointure LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` address ON address.id_address = a.id_address_delivery LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` country ON address.id_country = country.id_country LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` country_lang ON (country.`id_country` = country_lang.`id_country` AND country_lang.`id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.') LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_state` os ON (os.`id_order_state` = a.`current_state`) LEFT JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'order_state_lang` osl ON (os.`id_order_state` = osl.`id_order_state` AND osl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.')'; $this->_orderBy = 'id_order'; $this->_orderWay = 'DESC'; $this->_use_found_rows = true; $statuses = OrderState::getOrderStates((int)$this->context->language->id); foreach ($statuses as $status) { $this->statuses_array[$status['id_order_state']] = $status['name']; } $this->fields_list = array( 'id_order' => array( 'title' => $this->l('ID'), 'align' => 'text-center', 'class' => 'fixed-width-xs' ), 'reference' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Reference') ), 'new' => array( 'title' => $this->l('New client'), 'align' => 'text-center', 'type' => 'bool', 'tmpTableFilter' => true, 'orderby' => false, 'callback' => 'printNewCustomer' ), 'customer' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Customer'), 'havingFilter' => true, ), 'customer_group' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Groupe client'), // Ici on affiche notre colonne ), ); if (Configuration::get('PS_B2B_ENABLE')) { $this->fields_list = array_merge($this->fields_list, array( 'company' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Company'), 'filter_key' => 'c!company' ), )); } $this->fields_list = array_merge($this->fields_list, array( 'total_paid_tax_incl' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Total'), 'align' => 'text-right', 'type' => 'price', 'currency' => true, 'callback' => 'setOrderCurrency', 'badge_success' => true ), 'payment' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Payment') ), 'osname' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Status'), 'type' => 'select', 'color' => 'color', 'list' => $this->statuses_array, 'filter_key' => 'os!id_order_state', 'filter_type' => 'int', 'order_key' => 'osname' ), 'date_add' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Date'), 'align' => 'text-right', 'type' => 'datetime', 'filter_key' => 'a!date_add' ), 'id_pdf' => array( 'title' => $this->l('PDF'), 'align' => 'text-center', 'callback' => 'printPDFIcons', 'orderby' => false, 'search' => false, 'remove_onclick' => true ) )); if (Country::isCurrentlyUsed('country', true)) { $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->ExecuteS(' SELECT DISTINCT c.id_country, cl.`name` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'orders` o '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('orders', 'o').' INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` a ON a.id_address = o.id_address_delivery INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country` c ON a.id_country = c.id_country INNER JOIN `'._DB_PREFIX_.'country_lang` cl ON (c.`id_country` = cl.`id_country` AND cl.`id_lang` = '.(int)$this->context->language->id.') ORDER BY cl.name ASC'); $country_array = array(); foreach ($result as $row) { $country_array[$row['id_country']] = $row['name']; } $part1 = array_slice($this->fields_list, 0, 3); $part2 = array_slice($this->fields_list, 3); $part1['cname'] = array( 'title' => $this->l('Delivery'), 'type' => 'select', 'list' => $country_array, 'filter_key' => 'country!id_country', 'filter_type' => 'int', 'order_key' => 'cname' ); $this->fields_list = array_merge($part1, $part2); } $this->shopLinkType = 'shop'; $this->shopShareDatas = Shop::SHARE_ORDER; if (Tools::isSubmit('id_order')) { // Save context (in order to apply cart rule) $order = new Order((int)Tools::getValue('id_order')); $this->context->cart = new Cart($order->id_cart); $this->context->customer = new Customer($order->id_customer); } $this->bulk_actions = array( 'updateOrderStatus' => array('text' => $this->l('Change Order Status'), 'icon' => 'icon-refresh') ); parent::__construct(); } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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