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[SOLVED] What is the URL of my CMS page?

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I've been pulling my hair out trying to do what seems like a simple task for a couple hours now. I admit defeat, and as such, now humbly come before the gurus to seek advice. ANY guidance would be amazing.


Ok, all I'm trying to do is insert a link to a CMS page I have created onto text within another CMS page I created. 


Here are the issues I have. When I use the provided "add link" button, I can type in the URL of a page. Great!...what's the actual URL of my other CMS page...see below for some screen shots


Here are the things I know:

1. The ID of the CMS page I want to link to is 14

2. The "friendly URL" of the CMS page I want to link to is: 'product documentation'

3. I want to be able to have a link embedded within text that says "click here"


I have tried:


/ * getCMSLink: $id_cms = '14', $alias = 'product-documentation' */ <a href="%7B$link-" title="product-documentation">{l s='Produc Documentation'}</a>


I have placed this into the source code of the page content of the page I am trying to place the link into, but doesn't work.


I'm pretty good with the older style coding and general html coding, but prestashop really seems to like to make simple tasks as difficult as possible. 






Edited by Motoza (see edit history)
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Well, solved it myself.  


If anyone else has this issue, the CMS link is simply: www.yourwebsite.com//en/content/9-support


....where "9" represents the ID  of your CMS page (you can find this when you go to Preferences-->CMS where it's listed in the table along with all your pages) and "support" represents the friendly URL of your CMS page (also listed in that table or if you click on the page). 


Hope this helps someone else out there...

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