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Main Menu Help


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Hi everyone!


I was wondering if you could please help me out. I want to make a change to the main menu on my website. The way it is set up right now is that when you place your mouse on any of the categories on the main menu it will show a drop down menu. In addition if you click on the category on the main menu and it will take you to another page with products. I want to remove this feature such that it only displays the drop down menu. Could you please let me know how I can do this? 


Thank you advance, 





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Since you're not using the default PrestaShop theme, you'll need to provide more information such as a link to your website before anyone can help. ;)


Maybe the easiest way to prevent the main menu links from working would be to change the <a href="..."> to <a href="javascript:"> so that nothing happens when you click the item.

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