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Impossible to add the product to the cart.


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Bye activating debu mode in defines.inc.php I get this new following message: 


Impossible to add the product to the cart.

textStatus: 'parsererror'
errorThrown: 'SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0'

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/swissp8/public_html/swissprimenails.ch/classes/Tools.php on line 1222
{"products":[{"id":1876,"link":"http:\/\/www.swissprimenails.ch\/en\/pedicure-products\/1876-nappa-fuss-peeling-110ml.html","quantity":1,"image":"http:\/\/www.swissprimenails.ch\/img\/p\/en-default-thumb_default.jpg","image_width":"56","image_height":"64","image_cart":"http:\/\/www.swissprimenails.ch\/img\/p\/en-default-small_default.jpg","priceByLine":"5.90 CHF","name":"Nappa Fuss Peeling 110ml","full_name":"Nappa Fuss Peeling 110ml","price":"5.90 CHF","price_float":5.9,"idCombination":0,"idAddressDelivery":561,"is_gift":false,"hasAttributes":false,"hasCustomizedDatas":false,"customizedDatas":[]}],"discounts":[],"shippingCost":"9.40 CHF","shippingCostFloat":9.4,"wrappingCost":"0.00 CHF","nbTotalProducts":1,"total":"15.30 CHF","productTotal":"5.90 CHF","freeShipping":"244.10 CHF","freeShippingFloat":244.1,"free_ship":false,"isVirtualCart":false,"hasError":false,"crossSelling":false}

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I guess there was something wrong with the returned json data. it could be some special characters or something else.


It seems that you have turned on the DEV mode, can you try to turn of the DEV to see if it works?

It might be some output of debug info break the code/data.


set _PS_MODE_DEV_ to false in file /configure/defines.inc.php

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