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Transfert de produit

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Nous avons 3 sites prestashop indépendants (un pour chaque pays), nous souhaiterions trouver une solution/module pour transférer un produit d'un site à l'autre pour faciliter le travail lors de la création de nouveaux produits.


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La fonctionnalité qui permet d'importer / d'exporter des produits sélectivement et de les importer dans un autre magasin est disponible dans le Store Manager pour PrestaShop. Il permer de transférer des produits facilement et les créér dans le site désiré. Vous pouvez tester ce logiciel pendant la période d'essai de 30 jours - https://www.prestashopmanager.com/free-download/

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  • 2 weeks later...


Dans le SQL manager tu ajoutes une requete SQL (a adapter selon tes goûts):

p.`id_product` AS `ID`,
pl.`name` AS `Nom`,
pl.`link_rewrite` AS `Link_rewrite`, 
pl.`description_short` AS `Desc_short`, 
pl.`description` AS `Desc_long`, 
pl.`meta_title` AS `Meta_title`, 
pl.`meta_description` AS `Meta_desc`,
p.`reference` AS`Ref`,
cl.`id_category` AS `ID_Category`,
cl.`name` AS `Category_defaut`,
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(c.`id_category`) SEPARATOR ",") AS `Categories`,
    when length(im.`id_image`)=6 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=5 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=4 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=3 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=2 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=1 then
    else ''
    end) SEPARATOR ",") AS `Images`,
ml.`meta_title` AS `Marque`,
ml.`id_manufacturer` AS `Marque_ID`,
p.`price` AS `Prix`,
pshop.`id_tax_rules_group` AS `ID_tax_group`,
pshop.`on_sale` AS `On_sale`,
psp.`reduction` AS `reduction`,
psp.`reduction_tax` AS `tax_reduction`,
psp.`reduction_type` AS `type_reduction`,
psp.`from` AS `date_dbt_reduc`,
psp.`to` AS `date_fin_reduc`,
sa.`active` AS `Active`,
p.`ean13` AS `EAN13`,
sav.`quantity` AS `Quantity`,
p.`visibility` AS `Visibility`, 
p.`indexed` AS `Indexed`, 
MAX(image_shop.id_image) id_image,
concat(pl.`link_rewrite`,'-',p.`id_product`,'.html')  AS `URL_google`,
concat('http://tonsite.com/',pl.`link_rewrite`,'-',p.`id_product`,'.html') AS `Produit_URL`,
    when length(im.`id_image`)=6 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=5 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=4 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=3 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=2 then
    when length(im.`id_image`)=1 then
    else ''
    end AS `URL_IMG_1`
FROM `ps_product` p 
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` pl ON (p.`id_product` = pl.`id_product`) 
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_product` cp ON (p.`id_product` = cp.`id_product`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category_lang` cl ON (cp.`id_category` = cl.`id_category`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_category` c ON (cp.`id_category` = c.`id_category`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_lang` b ON (b.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND b.`id_lang` = 1 AND b.`id_shop` = p.`id_shop_default`) 
LEFT JOIN `ps_image` i ON (i.`id_product` = p.`id_product`) 
LEFT JOIN `ps_manufacturer_lang` ml ON (p.`id_manufacturer` = ml.`id_manufacturer`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_stock_available` sav ON (sav.`id_product` = p.`id_product` AND sav.`id_product_attribute` = 0 AND sav.`id_shop_group` = 0  AND sav.id_shop = 1 )  JOIN `ps_product_shop` sa ON (p.`id_product` = sa.`id_product` AND sa.`id_shop` = p.`id_shop_default`) 
LEFT JOIN `ps_shop` shop ON (shop.`id_shop` = p.`id_shop_default`)
LEFT JOIN `ps_specific_price` psp ON (psp.`id_product` = p.`id_product`) 
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_shop` pshop ON (pshop.`id_product` = p.`id_product`) 
LEFT JOIN `ps_image_shop` image_shop ON (image_shop.`id_image` = i.`id_image` AND image_shop.`cover` = 1 AND image_shop.id_shop = p.`id_shop_default`) 
LEFT JOIN `ps_product_download` pd ON (pd.`id_product` = p.`id_product`) 
LEFT JOIN `ps_image` im on im.`id_product`= p.`id_product`

WHERE 1 AND pl.id_lang = 2 
GROUP BY sa.`id_product` 
ORDER BY p.`id_product` ASC

Dans le clause where tu changes et tu met l'id de ton produit...;

WHERE 1 AND pl.id_lang = 2 AND p.id_product = ID_DE_TON_PRODUIT
Edited by Alex-Kodd (see edit history)
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