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Grouping products by supplier at checkout


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Hi there,

I'm going to use Prestashop for my new Dropshipping eStore and since I didn't receive any answer on Merchants forum I re-ask it here.

Since I have no experience on prestashop yet I'd like to know if it is possible for me to configure the last pages of the checkout process so that products are grouped (as amazon does) according to the supplier that is shipping.

As a consequence each group should have its own shipping costs.


Is this possible with prestashop?

How can I do it?


Thanks in advance.



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This option don't exist by default but with some custom work you can achieve it with a module

or overrides.


Hi ndiaga, 

thanks for your answer.

Could you suggest a way to achieve that or a module you know?

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We provide best multiple seller/vendor(marketplace) modules based on PrestaShop.

By using our modules during checkout, user is able to choose shipping carrier per product per seller.


But you will need both following 2 modules

agile multiple seller module - enable prestashop to support multiple seller/vendor, seller/vendor will be able to list products for sale.

topic on PrestaShop forum - https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/464878-module-agile-multiple-sellersvendors-and-market-place-module-for-prestashop/page-999



agile seller shipping module - each seller (vendor) will be able create private shipping carriers

topic on PrestaShop forum - http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/170156-module-agile-prestashop-seller-shipping-module/page-999

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