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Module execution in FrontController init()

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I´m trying to solve following issue. I have bought certain GeoIp redirect module. We´ve tested more of them and I found this one much faster and easier than others, we´ve made also many custom edits eg. we use geo country to display some additional info to customer and so on, it´s all working great...
But after all these upgraded we found issue... When we set currency with
 and then exec:




It works great after aditional page refresh.  But when customer comes to category page from external link/campaign, he sees prices in default currency and then after page refresh in "redirected currency" (desirable one). I found out that its because module is executed too late - in display header...


My question is - is there any easy way to run certain module in FrontController init() for example? Or do I have to manage it via hooks somehow? I suppose that when I set currency cookie early enough, it should solve my problem...


Any help or hints would be so appreciated (send me Paypal acount, I´ll get you a coffee :D )



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Well, I did not, my bad, thanks for reminding :) Anyway, this did not help. I suppose the problem is caused by the fact that geo module is runned "too late" - in hook Header. I´m not sure, but i suppose that currency to be used on loaded page is proccesed much earlier. Thats why after additional reload everything is OK. When i echo $cookie->id_currency and $currency->id they are different when this problem occures... I think that running this geostuff on FrontControllers´ init would help, or maybe I´m going to modify product controller to check if $cookie->id_currency and $currency->id are same and if not, then to use the one i need...

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I´m gonna try it...


So far I solved it like this:


modified function displayPrice()  in Tools.php to get currency formating:


$cookie = Context::getContext()->cookie;    
$id_currency = $cookie->id_currency;  

$currency = Currency::getCurrencyInstance($id_currency);

instead of

   if ($currency === null) 
   $currency = $context->currency;
   elseif (is_int($currency))
   $currency = Currency::getCurrencyInstance((int)$currency);




and getPriceStatic() in Product.php

$cookie = Context::getContext()->cookie;       
$id_currency = $cookie->id_currency;       
    instead of $id_currency = (int)Validate::isLoadedObject($context->currency) ? $context->currency->id : Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT');


It seems to work fine, but I need to do some more research if it can possibly cause some other problems....

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