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A couple of layout questions

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First, I'd like to know where I would limit the number of images per row in the product images I get when I click on categories (I called them "Products" in my store). They seem squished together in some places and apart in other places. I'd like to increase the margin between images, or limit the items per row and justify them so they stay spaced out.

Also, in a different area, when you click on a category, you get a subcategory page. However the attributes (choices) for that item aren't yet listed because you haven't gone to the detail page. Yet the item shows the base price and you can add it to the cart there. Can I disable this page, or remove the price and "add to cart" button at that point? I really don't want the customers ordering the default attribute for the item, thinking they get to change it later.


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OK - I didn't find my answer here in PrestaShop's forum, but I did solve my second issue.

If you are using the default PrestaShop theme, you can just comment out the add to cart button on the page I showed in the image above. It's in themes/prestashop/product-list.tpl on lines 20 through 24.

I used the <!-- --> to comment out those 4 lines. The page still lists the product, the availability, and the 'View' button to allow the customer to click through to the product detail page and order.

Hope that helps someone else. :-)

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