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cannot install the categories block


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Maybe you did some updates?

Yes, of course. There have been plenty of updates over the last years in PS. Most were done within Installatron. When I search for this error, I find a bug in one of the upgrades. How to get the database clean again without losing all the important data?

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Hide_host_mode is a field that was added to the Prestashop database structure in version


As a shortcut you could add it to your ps_tab table (tinyint(1)) and set it for all rows to zero. 


However, the question remains why this wasn't upgraded correctly and whether there are other things that weren't upgraded correctly either. 


As for Installatron, I don't know it and it seldom comes along here on the forum. It seems to me that it needs to depend for its upgrade on the information from the Prestashop upgrade. Try to search for it on this forum and the internet to see whether anyone else had the same problem.

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