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Product description within product picture


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Hello community

I'm all new to this prestashop software and find it somehow cool. But I've got several questions and must send ahead, that I don't really have great HTML- or CSS-skills. So, if there's a easy way to solve my problems, I'd strongly prefer it. But if not, I kindly request you to explain it to me quite simple. According to the rules of this Forum, I have to open four different topics for my four questions.

So, there comes no. 1: Is there a possibility to integrate the product descriptions right into the product picture? Like showed on the attached image "richtig". At the Moment, it Looks like in "falsch". The easiest solution would certainly be to write the description right within the Picture. But maybe there's a more SEO-friendly possibility?



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There is.
First, if you need that, I'd suggest to have your images with the bottle on the left already.
If not possible, you'll have to shift it using css. It's complex and long to explain all the code needed, but basically try using overflow hidden in .product-image-container in product_list.css.
Then use

ul.product_list .product-image-container img {

left: -40px

Or whatever px shift you need. Then again, there is a description field named {$product.description_short} in the product_list.tpl template. You can add it within that product-image-container box in the same template, give it a fixed size and use position:absolute to set its position

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