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Our Stores Map - does not show markers or default location?

Teapot Creative

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Does anyone know why the "Our Stores" map on V:1.6 does not zoom to default store Long/Lat location and does not show markers.


Are there any know module conflicts or .js conflicts or has the Google Map API changed.. 


Screen Shot of how it looks attached. 


Run out of ideas here..



PS. Long/Lat checked and double checked. 


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Looks like an API issue: 


Console out put:


Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
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yes, it seems that you have to configure map module or if it is not a module,then to modify in the javascript file/code of the map your google maps api key :

"The script element that loads the API has no API key. Please make sure you include a valid API key as a key parameter. You can generate a new API key on the Google Developers Console."

Regards, Leo

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Yes, we have seen/investigated that fix, but this is the default Prestashop 1.6 "Our Stores" page /.tpl and .js.


So was really hoping there was a fix out there already for this Prestashop issue. :)


Will take a look at Forge to see if there is a fix on there. 



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