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Two critial issues with Virtual Products in

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First Problem:


So the first problem is that for an existing product prestashop seems to "loose the link" to the file. When my customers make a purchase of our digital content (in this case PDFs) the sale goes thru but there is no link to the downloadable file either in their order history or in the email notification they receive about their digital content.


When I check the back office and select "Virtual Product" from the left menu the page that comes up has the slider to right indicating that there is no digital content associated with the product.


So how does a file become disassociated with the product it is assigned to?


Any yes, the product type on the main information page is set to virtual product.


Second Problem


When I try to update the product to reassociate it with its file - upload a new file to the system, I get:


Duplicate entry '671' for key 'id_product'


It seems to be coded in such a way as to assume you would only add digital content once - hence it is doing an insert.


With debug turned on in a test version of the site the following statement errors out:


INSERT INTO `ps_product_download` (`id_product`, `display_filename`, `filename`, `date_add`, `date_expiration`, `nb_days_accessible`, `nb_downloadable`, `active`, `is_shareable`) VALUES ('671', 'Flower of the gods Carnation.pdf', '14ff80aba6e8a55dff954e0f22c96c65175999ee', '2016-05-18 18:35:31', '0000-00-00', '0', '0', '1', '0')

Where product_id 671 definitely exists.So how does one update an existing product if it always tries to do an insert?


I can confirm the the upload works and that each time I try to update my product a new file is uploaded to the /downloads directory


So to recap:


  1. Why do digital products periodically loose their file association? How do I fix this?
  2. How do I update a virtual product with digital content? Lets say I want to provide my customers with an updated version of file for an existing product?

I had similar issues with but I could always re-upload the file and that would solve the problem. Given these two issues I have had to disable my digital content. 







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