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the id_color_default field from the product table…few questions!

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Hi everybody,

it makes few days now that i am in prestashop discovering. I have few questions about the id_color_default field from the product table. What exactly defines this field? Is it the color attribute chosen as the color by default on a product page?
How can i know which id correspond to which color?

What would be the request for sorting all the products from database which have the same id_color_default?

Please help me please :)

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Hi Matthieu,

thanks a lot for your explanations!

So this id_color_default will be useless in my case...

Maybe you can give me a way to search... in my case: in my furniture shop, i ll have 4 categories in my main menu: type of furniture(sofa, bed...), space(living room, bed room), material (plastic, wood...) and color (red, black, white...)

So when i create a product i add it in one subcategory of the four main category: a product called "sofa xyxyxyxy" will be both in categories: type>sofa, space>living-room, material>wood and color>green...but this sofa can have few colors that i want to be able to find by the color menu in the main menu, so for the red version of this sofa i ll create a new product with the same reference in :type>sofa, space>living-room, material>wood, color>red.

Do you think by doing like that, it is possible to show on the "sofa xyxyxyxy" in red page or "sofa xyxyxyxy" in green page, all the colors available for this sofa "sofa xyxyxyxy" (so i think to sort all the id of products with the same reference and find in where color category they are)<--- this is where the problem is , i don't know how i could find the color category of one product with his reference...

if you have any idea, thanks by advance.

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You cannot place different combination into different categories.
This feature is not supported by prestashop.

Instead you can place your sofa product on all categories (green color & red color categories) but it will appear leaving a choice to the customer to freely change its color from the product page.
But if you want something separated (only the red version on the red color category) you'll have to create seperated products,

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