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[Solved] Prestashop Admin Login Stopped Working


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Please can someone help, our admin login facility has just stopped working altogether, and we have changed nothing. It has always worked fine without an issue.


When you go to the admin login, enter the details, it loads as if you it's going to log on to the admin section then the login area just turns white (see screenshot).


I have tried on several different machines and is the same on them all. This is an extremely major issue as we can not access our admin section and need to dispatch all our weekend orders.


Please can someone advise?


Prestahop version is






Edited by facethefuture (see edit history)
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I didn't make any changes whatsoever, it just stopped working. I have however seem to get it working again by clearing the browser cache.


It still doesn't make sense why this stopped working at the same time on all our computers, and even in different web browsers (firefox, safari, IE), so if anyone else has this issue some further information would be appreciated.

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