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Multiple "PayPal Check out" buttons


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Hi, I started seeing multiple paypal checkout buttons as shown on the image. I tried resetting the module (v.3.10.8), disabling it, I even deleted the paypal folder from ftp but nothing helped. I think the issue is that I tried to install the module multiple times when my default country was "United Kingdom", now when I switched to "Poland" I was able to install and configure the module but this multiple button issue cropped up. Please help.  


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It seems the module has been hooked multuiple times, it could be caused because of multiple time installation but not uninstalled correctly.

you can try to look at the back office Modules - Positions tab, look at "displayPayment" section and see if the same module hooked multiple times.

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how about install back the module and then try to remove/unhook the hook?


otherwise, you may have to delete that from database directly. be but be very careful, do not delete other hooks that is not supposed to delete.




You will need to find out the id_module in ps_module table and id_hook in ps_hook table to identify the records you need to remove.

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Yes I tried to re-enable it and now it says The module was successfully removed from the hook.

but doesn't remove anything (actually I'm down to 6 buttons- so I managed to remove one of them somehow). Where exactly is this ps_hook_module?

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Where exactly is this ps_hook_module?



you have to use database tool like phpmyadmin to access your store database.


so you have got the issue resolved by uninstall the module multiple times?

usually you can only uninstall one time, since if it is uninstalled, then uninstall button should not be available.


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